Cropwell Bishop Village Parish Plan

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Gardening Club: Third Meeting (16-6-08)

34 people at the latest meeting discovered how easy it is to get plants to grow by just pulling off a leaf or twig and sticking it into water or soil. Pam Wakefield made plant reproduction look so easy; now I know why wild flowers (weeds?) need no help from me in my own garden!

Pam Wakefield Lily_beetle

Pam let us into the secret of why her garden has become so beautiful over the last two years. She also revealed why she always takes a pair of scissors when visiting the great Gardens of Britain. But Pam has no control on which little creatures visit her own garden. Some, like mice, help out by eating sycamore seeds and are welcome. But a newcomer to this part of England, the Lily beetle, should be kept at bay by whatever means you have available. Hesitate, and your lilies will be destroyed: mine was! It is very distinctive (see photo) and is about 7mm (1/4 inch) long.

Free cuttings

As usual, there was tea and biscuits and also a plant stall where people were selling wonderful home-grown plants at minimal prices. People also queued to buy raffle tickets: they also bought their tickets for upcoming events. In July, five members' gardens will be open one evening for the rest to visit. More details later. (17-6-08)