Cropwell Bishop Village Parish Plan

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Gardening Club: First Meeting (21-4-08)

37 people met at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall to discuss the formation of a Cropwell Bishop Gardening Club: by 9pm they had agreed on over over 20 different ideas that appealed to them and had plans for the next three meeting.

Gardening Club meeting

First on the list of suggestions was 'allotments'. Other ideas included: a gardeners question time, bulk buying, planters at the entrance to the Village, visits to shows/gardens, sharing seedlings, selling produce and obtaining grants for sowing wild flower seeds and attracting wildlife. The suggestion of "101 things to do with your courgettes" will have to wait until later in the year!

Whilst no-one would admit to being an expert, everyone was enthusiastic and eager to share ideas and pick up tips. A small group of people agreed to form a committee to take the Club forward. To help us get started, someone offered to demonstrate the planting of a hanging basket at the next meeting, and another two offered to demonstrate 'leaf cuttings' at the following one. The Gardening Club is blossoming early!

The next meeting will be on: Monday 19th May at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall. Everyone is welcome to come along. If you want to know why your tulips haven't flowered this year, what climbers grow well in Cropwell clay or who can trim your conifer hedge, why not come along and ask someone. If you know the answers you will be made even more welcome! However, you don't need any expertise to enjoy the evening, just the desire to make more of the patch of land around you house.