Cropwell Bishop Village Parish Plan

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Gardening Club enjoy each other's gardens' (21-7-08)

Monday (21st July) was a beautiful sunny day and in the evening over 60 people enjoyed the opportunity to visit 10 gardens in the Village. They were members (and their guests) of the Cropwell Bishop Gardening Club and the gardens were those of members who were willing to open their garden gate to visitors (and spend dozens of hours getting borders and lawns up to scratch!).
Everyone ended up at Sue and Eddie's house on Hall Drive were there were nibbles and glasses of wine. What a lovely evening for all involved.
A big thank you goes to those who opened their gardens and especially Judy Thomas and Sue Ward who planned the event, and Sue and Eddie who served us food and drink in their garden.
The photos below will give you a taste of the evening.

garden pic 1 garden pic 2 garden pic 3 garden pic 5 garden pic 4 garden pic 6 garden pic 7