Cropwell Bishop Village Parish Plan

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New designs for old School (24-4-08)

The Parish Council has to plan the redevelopment of the 'Old School': not an easy job. It would be great to have dozens of young and enthusiastic students with some experience of design to brainstorm the project and put their ideas onto paper and into models. But that would be impossible to arrange .... unless, that is, one of our Parish councillors lectured in the School of Architecture at Nottingham Trent University and had 50+ students who could do it as part of their coursework: enter Chris Keast!

Today, 24th April, your Parish Councillors attended a presentation by 11 teams of students who recently visited our Old School and then spent months preparing their proposals, plans and presentations. The results were extremely impressive. Each one offered unique ideas that excited the Councillors and some were truly innovative. The pictures below will give you a taste of the event.

More exlaining Explaining ideas A plan on computer One plan A thoughtful process Explaining their ideas Is this a better design? A model produced by the winning team

It was always envisaged that the designs would provide a wealth of ideas to aid the eventual plan for the building; it would not have been realistic to rebuild the School based on just one team's design. However, to reflect the challenge that real-life design companies face, it was decided to select a 'winner' - a team that made the greatest impression on Councillors in terms of an imaginative, well researched and realistic design proposal together with a presentation that was clear, effective and stimulating. The photos below show John Greenwood presenting the "Cropwell Bishop Community Hall Project Prize" (engraved glassware for one year and book tokens), and the four members of the winning team. They clearly enjoyed their success!

John Greenwood presents prize The winning team

It proved difficult to single out one winning team and so the Council have invited the three top teams to come and present their designs to the people who will eventually use the building, the residents of Cropwell Bishop. Date and time will be revealed shortly. If you ever doubted the ability and enthusiasm of young people today, you must come and see their presentations!