Cropwell Bishop Village Parish Plan

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East side walk (31-7-08)

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Well, South and East side really!

Start on Nottingham Road, at the end of Church Street. The house with a green door and shutters (1) was, until the 1970s, the Village Post Office. Go down the drive on its right and you will see the gate and stile (2) into the field. Continue alongside the right hand hedge and you will come to a chained gap into the next field (3). Go through and straight on with the hedge on your right. In about 80 paces you will see a path made through the crops on your left (4). Follow this path (5) until you reach the opposite side of the field and a broad path leading left and right. Turn right here (6).

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You may see different crops on either side; on your right wheat (7) and on your left rape seed (8). Carry on until you reach the end of a hedge; go to its left side (9). At this point, you could continue alongside the hedge and then, when you reach the corner of the field, turn left keeping the hedge on your right. However, it is quicker to take the diagonal path made across the field on your left. This leads directly to a gap in the hedge (10) which leads to a path across the next field (11). Look out for rogue, but pretty, intruders (12). The path leads to a little bridge (13) into the next field. Go straight on (14) to the stile on the opposite side (15).

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The next field is long and narrow - just keep to the left hedge (16). The path is less well marked and more uneven underfoot. Remember to look at the views through gaps in hedges (17) and at the flowers and wildlife (18) brushing your knees (or waist!). The field narrows and you will eventually reach the bottom corner (19) where you will be able to see your next destination, the farm at the top of the hill (20).

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As you make your way to the track that leads up to the farm, you will see in front of you on the distant hill, the old Colston Bassett Church (21). Whilst still a ruin, a great deal of restoration work has been carried out in recent years and it is now both more attracive and safer. Make you way up the hill (22) and when you reach the hedge and wall at the top (23), turn left in front of the wall. I hope you will not be tempted to pick the apples overhanging the wall (24): they are rather bitter anyway! As you head north with the wall and then a hedge on your right (25), you will gradually see more of Cropwell Bishop ahead of you on the horizon. Pause a moment to look back over your left shoulder; there are lovely views of the trees and fields around Colston Bassett. The path begins to slope down and then a gate appears (26). Go through the gate and the path leads downwards a short distance to join Pasture Lane (27).

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Once on Pasture Lane you will see, at its far end, the houses on Fern Hill (28); that is where you are aiming for. The old telegraph poles line the route. It is reassuring to know that even if there is 2 metres of snow (6 foot) the poles will will mark your route clearly! I don't advise you to try this out - not that we are ever likely to get so much snow again. Look out for friendly wildlife along the route (29).

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When you reach Fern Hill, look up the hill and on the opposite side you will see a footpath sign 30 metres away (30). Go through the hedge there or, if the field gate is open, you can use that instead. Keep to the left hand hedge (31). When you reach the corner of the field, the route is far from clear (32). Look, and you will find a gap in the corner (33) that leads to a path that runs alongside the School's perimeter fence. Ahead, you will see the path leading you into the distance (34). As you carry on into the next field (35), keep to the left hand hedge. When you reach the corner of the field, follow the hedge to the right (36). You will come to a large, and rather unsightly gap in the hedge on your left (37); turn into it and follow the hedgerow on your left (38).

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On the horizon you will see the houses on Tythby Road. Keep looking through the hedge on your left and you will be rewarded with views of, ever present, Hoe Hill - and also a newly planted wood/orchard (39). When you reach the next field, turn left and head in the direction of Hoe Hill (40) keeping the hedge on your left. This will take you to the Cropwell Butler Road.

There is a ditch in this hedgerow and as you skip beside it, keep a look out for a bit of walling (41). It now lies mostly hidden and seemingly unnecessary but it amazes me to think that at some time in the past someone thought it worth the time, effort and expense of building a wall just there: I wonder why.

Where the hedgerow becomes denser you might glimpse a small secret pond (42). Continue along the path (43) and you will reach a big metal gate which you can crouch under. Strictly speaking, the path goes right, alongside the hedge and then over a stile to the road at the top of the hill.

Turn left on the road. Look out for views of the Vale on your left (45). Soon Cropwell Bishop welcomes you (46).