Social Meeting and Greeting – beats social media

The Books are ready and the Jigsaws are packed so it must be Saturday café time again.

Saturday Café will, as usual, be open from 10am to 12 noon this Saturday (22nd Feb). See the poster on the Events Page for details.

Please note that Hilary (and her books and jigsaws) will have to leave 15 minutes early this time (11.45am) because of other commitments.

See you there.

Tony Jarrow

Photos from last month:

Sat Cafe Preview
Sat Cafe Preview
Sat Cafe Preview
Sat Cafe Preview

Above the Bloors Estate – and beyond

Ever wondered what our village looks like to the buzzards and red kites that soar above? Well, until the time comes when those birds take along their own cameras, we can get a good idea from the great photos that Colin Bryan comntinues to provide.

Tony Jarrow

Bloor homes
Bloor homes
Bloor homes
Bloor homes
Bloor homes
Bloor homes
Bloor homes
Bloor homes

An Evening at the Creamery Cafe

Tea Room

Central Green Open Spaces Footpaths

The Parish Council have been trying to get the footpaths that run through the central green open spaces resurfaced since 2022.

At a meeting in July of 2022 with VIA East Midland the conditions of the surfaces were discussed and it was noted: The VIA criteria of 25mm differential for re-surface will never be met when the top coating only appears to be 15mm. It was shown that the main substrate was in better condition that the topping itself, and the VIA engineer was suggesting that the top coating would possibly be better skimmed away and resurfaced onto said substrate.

The Parish Council were told in July of 2022 by VIA that it could not be scheduled into that year’s financial budget but the scheme would be put forward for full consideration in the following year.

The scheme to resurface the area was not included in the 2023/24 budget and the Parish Council therefore asked if it could be included in schemes going forward. The Parish Council received the following response which sadly means no resurfacing works will be taking place in the near or distant future:

“Whilst we would not deny the desirability of acceding to all of the requests for resurfacing that we receive, rather than extending the life of surfaces with discrete repairs, economic considerations make it inevitable that this simply isn't possible. A programme for significant expenditure (e.g.: resurfacing / reconstruction) is established each financial year, with the results of the process being subject to approval by Council Cabinet.

Our scheme selection system involves a ‘candidate list’ of potential sites in all categories, ranging from those requiring full reconstruction to those which can be saved from further damage with preventative maintenance schemes. It is possible that some sites may have had patchwork / pothole repairs over several years in order to maintain safety and whilst they may not be aesthetically pleasing, they are at least fit for purpose from a safety perspective until larger scale resurfacing can be programmed. The candidate list is fluid and ever changing as new schemes are regularly added that may have a higher priority than existing schemes on the list.

I am sorry to advise that the footpaths through the Green in Cropwell Bishop are not in any current programme and the Capital Programme for the next 2 financial years has now been decided. It will however remain on the candidate list and we will continue to closely monitor surface conditions.

I am sorry that I can’t reply more positively at this time”.

The Parish Council will keep pushing for the works to be added to future programmes. We are sorry we cannot bring more positive news.

Janice Towndrow
Parish Clerk

Must We Pick it Up?


Cropwell Bishop Litter Pickers, constantly trying to help protect our struggling small wildlife from the perils of rubbish.

Mel Stanley

Road Closures


Looking Forward to Saturday Cafe

As always, Hilary will have loads of fresh additions on her Books/Jigsaw Exchange stall at this week’s Saturday Café (see Events poster).

In adddition she will have a variety of low priced hand-made gifts for sale. Some (no photo yet) might get you in the mood for February 14th!

See you there.

Tony Jarrow

Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe

Winter Quiz

On Friday night another successful quiz night was held at the Old School.

The theme of the quiz was ‘Winter’ (and all things cold!) It was very well attended by around 50 people divided into teams of 5 or 6.

Some quite challenging questions were included but the scores were pretty high with not that many points between the top and bottom teams.

Bespoke trophies were awarded to all members of the top 3 teams in the form of highly prized ‘Cropwell Bishops’ kindly designed and made by Alan and Sharon from the Entertainments committee.

The highly coveted ‘wooden spoon’ was given to the team with the lowest score.

The results were as follows:

1st place and Quiz Champions – ‘The January Clues’

2nd place – ‘Abel Seafish’

3rd place – ‘The 6 Pies’

Wooden Spoon to the aptly named ‘No Hopers’

And finally a quote from a team member who doesn’t live in the village but came along with a friend.

“I love coming to the village for events like these. It’s so nice to see the community coming together enjoying a great evening. Positive, friendly, wholesome and lovely!”

Thanks to everyone who attended and also supported the raffle.

Sue Mellor

Winter Quiz
Winter Quiz
Winter Quiz
Winter Quiz
Winter Quiz

Winner of 'It's in the News' Quiz

It was the Parish Council Meeting this evening. The winner of the 'In the News' Quiz, which appeared in the November edition Cropwell Bishop News, was drawn from the pile of correct entries.

And the winner was .... Pauline Chambers.

She will receive a £20 voucher, donated by the Parish Council, for use at Gary Jowett's Butchers.

Tony Jarrow

100: A Happy Very Birthday Ruth

Mayor of Rushcliffe Cllr Andy Brown and consort Sylvia Brown present flowers to Ruth – on the right
(photo from Rushcliffe Newsletter)

Our Mayor of Rushcliffe Cllr Andy Brown and consort Sylvia Brown were proud to visit and present flowers to one of Cropwell Bishop's centenarians.

Ruth, who celebrated her 100th birthday last week, has spent her whole life in Rushcliffe.

The photo above includes her sister, Agnes, with whom she shares a house in the village. Agnes has seen this all before: she was 100 just over a year ago!

Ruth, with the previous Mayor Cllr Debbie Mason in May 2023, when her sister celebrated her 100th Birthday.

Carols around The Pinfold on Christmas Eve


A lovely hour of carol sing around our village Christmas Tree. Thank you to everyone who came to sing. Mulled wine and chocolates added to the Festive occasion.

Mel Stanley

Thanks to You – and Santa


Senior Citizens Xmas Party 2024!


Well what a wonderful party event we had yesterday at The Old School a great atmosphere for the afternoon.

There was a lovely buffet, singing by the school choir, Raffle thank you to all the village businesses who donated prizes (The Butchers, Creamery, Co-op, The Chequers Inn, The Wheatsheaf, S.J. Phillips Electrical, CKOB Club), fun Bingo and it was enjoyed by all.

I would personally like to thank the councillors who came to help on the day Cllrs. Willow Allison, Mick Beazley, Pam Wregg, Jo Wroughton and Ted Birch – all their help made this a successful event.

It was lovely this morning to read an email of thanks from a happy resident as follows:-

"We’ve just returned (hobbled in my case) from the Seniors Christmas Buffet at the Old School.

We had an excellent time, our first. The buffet was splendid, the sandwiches, especially, were really very good. Just overall – excellent.

The choir from the school were very impressive, great sound and very enthusiastic, congratulations !

The raffle was good even if we didn’t win anything ! The bingo was really good fun, this time we both won !!

Finally our heartfelt thanks to all of the volunteers who provided superb service and made it a day to remember – we’ll definitely be back next year.

We walked part of the way home with Joyce, our near neighbour, who said that last year’s event was attended by a busload of outliers and was not much fun. This year’s was predominantly villagers and locals, all very friendly and all round excellent."

On that note, all there is left for me to say is Happy Christmas One and All and a Happy New Year.

Janice Towndrow
Parish Clerk

Lighting up your Day

Purple sky

We may well want to avoid the "morning blues", but purple can be quite calming on a dark winter morning.

Thanks to Ros Creasey for this lovely early-morning photo.

Tony Jarrow

Lyfcycle bring Christmas Cheer

Yesterday, Cropwell Bishop Company, Lyfcycle, generously provided a free three-course Christmas lunch for villagers who responded to their open invite.

It was the Company's wish to do doing something seasonal for our community and there were a good number of local residents present.

They all very much appreciated the lunch and drinks - with all the trimmings - at this festive occasion.

Many thanks to Lyfcycle staff.

Mel Stanley


The Sound of Music!

The Sound of Music came to Cropwell Bishop last night.

It was a screening of the "Sing along Version" and lots of people came in costume. There was a prize for the winner and that went to the "Two Von Trapp children", in their, 'made for the occasion', curtain, play dresses.

There was much hearty singing.

All great fun.

Mel Stanley

Sound of Music
Sound of Music
Sound of Music
Sound of Music
Sound of Music
Sound of Music

Thank you for the tree, and all its lights, ..

I can see the Christmas Tree and its colourful lights from my window - and it's wonderful.

A brilliant idea and I really appreciate the sight – and I am sure other villagers will feel the same.

Thank you to all those involved with making it happen and the volunteers who erected the tree in the Pinfold.

Christmas is coming!

David Glyn-Jones

This is how its done ..

Cropwell Bishop's own Christmas Tree is now standing and lit up in the Pinfold.

It appeared yesterday, in time today, December 1st.

It arrived, not by magic, not flown in by fairies, on the backs of reindeers, or via facebook, but through the efforts of our Parish Councillors and helpers who toiled to get the job done.

Many thanks to them. Thanks also to Mel Stanley for taking photos.

Xmas Tree
Xmas Tree
Xmas Tree
Xmas Tree
Xmas Tree
Xmas Tree

Saturday Cafe Joy

Lovely friendly atmosphere at this morning's Saturday Cafe at The Old School, captured perfectly by Mel Stanley's photos below.

Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe

Saturday Cafe

Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe

Crafts & Gifts at Saturday Cafe

Hand-made crafts and gifts on sale at this week’s Saturday Café (see Events poster).

Prices from £2 to £8.

Only available here – no orders.

Hilary Jarrow

Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe

Rushcliffe "Sportsperson of the Year": Eve Young

Eve Young
Gill, Eve's Young's mother, accepting the award on behalf of Eve (Eve was training in Rugby)

Congratulations to Eve Young of Cropwell Bishop who won the 'Sportsperson of the Year' award at the 'Celebrating Rushcliffe' event at Rushcliffe Arena last week.

She and the other winners and shortlisted nominees were praised for their contribution to life in the Borough.

Eve has competed in artistic swimming for over 10 years on the international stage for GB and this year scooped the British Championships free and technical solo.

She juggles her academic work with relentless training and has competed in Peru, Malta and Serbia. Remarked as a role-model by her nominator, inspiring many other young athletes.

Cropwell Bishop Parish Council have given support to Eve on several occasions over the years and in 2022 she gave a presentation at The Old School as part of the Meeting of the Electorate.

Eve, who was then just 15 years old, gave a composed and illuminating talk on her sporting journey up to that point.

Tony Jarrow

Eve Young
Eve Young
Eve at The Old School. 2022
Eve Young
Eve Young
Eve with her father. 2022

Memorial Hall AGM

Mem Hall AGM

Our White November Surprise

The cold wind did not put off Colin Bryan, his dog and his drone this morning. Thanks to Colin for these fascinating photos.

Snow from drone
Snow from drone
Snow from drone

Bus Stop Information Boards – We Need Your Help

Some good news regarding local bus information.

Bus stop

John Greenwood is a member of our community and ex councillor still active in attempting to keep the Cropwell Bishop local bus service the best it can be.

John Greenwood has put this report together on behalf of the Parish Council.

The information board on the bus stop by the Church on Church St is now showing how many minutes we have to wait before the ‘33’ service comes along. This is very helpful and reassuring.

We are also able to pick up the locations of buses on the 833 Bingham service and the 90A evening/Sunday service to Bingham and Nottingham using the app on our mobiles.

This app does not yet show the location of the vehicles on the 33 service. Hopefully our County Councillor, Neil Clarke is working on this along with Notts County Council Officers.

The other snag is that the only bus stop information boards in the village are by the Church on Church St. The County web site information suggests that residents can request the information boards at their local stops. Click:

Real time bus information

To request an electronic display at a bus stop, please complete the new highways request form. Click:

Highways request form

Residents you can help. We encourage our residents to go onto the website and request information boards at their stops.

The more requests are made the better the village chances for getting more boards.

Clerk of Parish Council

Winner of 'It's in the News' Quiz

It was the Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday evening. The winner of the 'In the News' Quiz, which appeared in the September edition Cropwell Bishop News, was drawn from the pile of correct entries.

And the winner was .... Linda Field.

She will receive a £20 voucher, donated by the Parish Council, for use at Gary Jowett's Butchers.

Tony Jarrow

Fireworks Night

This village event never disappoints. In fact, it gets better every year thanks to the imgination and efforts of the Parish Councillors and the Memorial Hall Committee.

To top it all, it was a dry night.

Thanks to all involved with putting it on.

Tony Jarrow


Saturday Cafe at The Old School

The Old School on the last Saturday of the month is proving to be a busy and fun place to be these days. That is when the Saturday Cafe takes place.

As well as the regular Book/Jigsaw Exchange and the stall with Cards etc, there was, last week, a stall with locally made craft items – along with the machine for making some of them.

Should be just as exciting next month when it will be last Saturday Cafe of 2024.

Tony Jarrow

Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe
Sat Cafe

Singing to the Heavens above

The Plough

As choir practice takes place in St Giles, The Plough (star formation) points towards the North Star above (out of view).

The church dates back to 1215 and the tower was added in the 1400s so this view is, essentially, the same as it was over 500 years ago. I wonder what the choir were singing in those days.

A lovely picture captured by Mel Stanley.

Tony Jarrow

Ready to Go

The car boot is full and so is the back seat. Hilary will once again have a fresh range of books and jigsaws at this week's Saturday Cafe. Hopefully, see you there.

Tony Jarrow

Books & Jigsaws

Not Just Planting Ideas

On cold days like today, few people are thinking about Spring, but these people from Cropwell Bishop's Gardening Club are.

Those flowers we enjoy when the warm Spring weather arrives have to be planted now.

Most of us do the same thing every day of our lives; work to make a better tomorrow.

It's good that do but we should not forget to also take time to enjoy the efforts of others who make our today more pleasant. Slices of cake and mugs of tea for example!

Thanks to Mel Stanley for the photos.


Stilton Stumble Runners Set Off


Thanks to Colin Bryan for the photos.

Great Band at The Old School last night


Thanks to Mel Stanley for the photos.


Just to show that you don't have to wait for the aurora to see dramatic skies, here are a couple of back-garden evening photos taken by Jan Marsh.

Tony Jarrow


Stilton Stumble

Stilton Stumble

Aurora Spectacular in Cropwell Bishop - again

Did you by chance look at sky around 10.30pm last night?

If so, you might (or might not: see below) have seen a colourful display of the Northern Lights (aurora borealis).

Helen Burke was ready to catch the display with her mobile phone and her beautiful photos are shown below.

However, if you did look up at that time and didn't see this display, don't be too hard on yourself.

If you had been standing in a dark place with no light pollution from houses and street lights (a couple of miles away in the Vale of Belvoir maybe) and if you had spent 10 minutes in the darkness to allow your eyes to open wide, then you would have enjoyed these sights.

But if you had stepped outside your back door, with your indoor lights glowing through the curtains, and with your eyes still accommodated to electric lights and TV, then you would have only seen darkness.

However, your phone camera can take long exposures - staying open for around a second, and capture far more light than your eye.

So next time, be prepared.

Load the free 'AuroraWatch UK' app onto your phone and set it to give you alerts. Cross your fingers and take a photo of the sky.

If you are able, move to a darker spot and see if you can see it with your own eyes.

It could be over 20 years before the Sun again generates this level of activity; make the most of this time.

Good luck.

Tony Jarrow

Thanks to Helen Burke for the photos.
One was from an upstairs window overlooking Hoe View Road, another from a gate heading out of the village towards Cropwell Butler, and of course two outside St Giles Church.


Day Trip

Day Trip

It is Saturday Cafe at the Weekend

And Hilary has already bagged everything for her Book and Jigsaw Exchange stall. Lots of fresh stock amongst it.

See the poster on the Events page.

Tony Jarrow

Books & Jigsaws

Our Litter Pickers Keep Cropwell Bishop Tidy

litter pickers
litter pickers
litter pickers

Some of our village litter picking group (CBLP) were out today.

As you can see, all forms of litter continues to be cast aside on our paths and roads.


Thanks to Mel Stanley for the photos.