The plan to dump thousands of tons of waste in Cropwell Bishop was rejected by both our Parish and County Council but the applicant appealed and today the Planning Inspector announced that he was overruling that decision and allowing the plan to go ahead.
So the developent work can now go ahead but the Inspector has imposed a large number of conditions. I have read his report and below is a summary of the conditions that I believe will be of most interest to residents and businesses of Cropwell Bishop.
No doubt many people living nearby will be checking that these condition are not violated over the coming years.
If you do see a violation taking place, you can report it to: Tim Turner (Senior Enforcement Officer at N.C.C.) on 0115 9932585 or email him at:
To download a pdf copy of the Appeal Decision click on:
Appeal Decision
Tony Jarrow
Summary of Key Conditions
The development must begin within 3 years and be completed within 3 years of starting.
Restoration work must be completed within 1 year of stopping work.
No waste disposal operation, including the operation of any associated plant, machinery or vehicle shall be carried out and no storage or excavation of materials shall take place.
No development shall take place until the following have been submitted and approved:
• Dust Management Plan
• Method statement detailing techniques for the control of noise and vibration
• HGV Management Scheme
• Ecological walk-over survey
• Biodiversity Management Plan
• Highway improvement works have been carried out
• Detailed restoration scheme
• Aftercare and habitat management strategy
Operations (including the use of floodlights) shall only take place during the following times: Mondays to Fridays 7am to 6pm and Saturdays 7:30am to 12:30pm. No operations shall take place on Sundays or on Bank or Public Holidays.
During school term times, no HGVs shall enter or leave the site between 8:30am to 9am and 3:30pm to 4:30pm on Mondays to Fridays.
No crushing or screening of waste shall take place on or adjacent to the site.
Only one bulldozer (or one tracked excavator) shall be operated on the site at any time. The mobile plant shall be fitted with white noise reversing warning devices and shall be fitted with silencers.
In the event of a noise complaint which, in the opinion of the Waste Planning Authority may be justified, a noise impact survey shall be carried out by the site owner or operator and submitted to the Waste Planning Authority.
There shall be no more than 18 HGV movements to and from the site (9 in, 9 out) in any one working day between Monday and Friday and no more than 8 HGV movements to and from the site (4 in, 4 out) on Saturdays.
The Waste Management Area shall be restored to a nature conservation end-use.