Christmas Lights of Cropwell Bishop are for us all to Enjoy

Here is my third, and final, collection of photos of Christmas-lights in Cropwell Bishop.

What a great display – and there are at least twice as many houses again whose lights are not pictured on the website. Wherever you live in the village, I made every effort to visit your street (forgive me Swab's Lane).

A bright and colourful showing at the end of a very difficult year for every one of us. Try to get out one evening and enjoy some near you.

Tony Jarrow

Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
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Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights

More Christmas Lights in Cropwell Bishop

Here are some more picture of Christmas lights around the village: look out for more in a few days time.

Tony Jarrow

Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights

Christmas Lights in Cropwell Bishop

Last night I enjoyed viewing some of the many light displays around the village: there seem to be more than in previous years.

I didn't manage to get to every street but I will visit the rest in the coming days.

Here are a few from last night: look out for more in a few days time.

Tony Jarrow

Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
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Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights
Xmas lights

To the People of Cropwell Bishop..

Belvoir Health Group

On behalf of the Partners and staff of the Belvoir Health Group, Doctor Peter Mahony, has written to Pam Wakefield to say, "thank you for the extremely kind donation that you made to the practice”.

This follows the presentation of a cheque for £1,126 to Cropwell Bishop Surgery last month.

During the worrying months of COVID-19 lockdown this year, Pam made up numerous, imaginative, ‘Billie the Bear’ scenarios which she displayed in her front garden on Brownhill Close.

She collected contributions from children, parents and villagers, and it was all their money that was given to the Surgery.

As Dr Mahony said in his letter, this “reflects incredibly well upon the generosity and public-spirited nature of the people of Cropwell Bishop”.

He also reflected the views of the many who visited the fun displays when he said that, “you were able to bring a bit of light and happiness into the lives of so many people in your community through your actions”.

Dr Mahony considered Pam's kind actions, an inspiration to us all in these troubled times and help to remind us what can be achieved with a positive attitude.

Tony Jarrow

Cheque presentation

Billie and Brownie will be in Pam's window for the 'Elf Hunt' from tomorrow, so look out for them.
Also, on Saturday 19th December, Billie is decorating biscuits for the children so please call and see him.

Foodbank Thanks


Christmas Offerings from St Giles


Have you Lost your Glasses?

Prescription sunglasses found on Kinoulton Road.
Wednesday 23rd December at 11.30am.
To claim them, go to: 2 Fern Foad

Billie is out Today & Tomorrow!

Billie the Bear will be out Saturday and Sunday this weekend. Visit him at the bottom of Brownhill Close.


Billie Bear
Billie Bear

Sheep Distress

The bleating of sheep has been a rare sound in Cropwell Bishop for many years – until now. There appear to be one or two fields of them nearby.

With being less common, their sound does seem to have attracted the attention of youngsters who are unaware of the harm they can easily cause.

Late one afternoon this week, the police had to be called when a group of youths were found to be deliberately harassing some fenced-off sheep in a field on Fern Road.

It might be worth locals keeping their eyes (and ears) on the lookout for future possible animal disturbances.

They should contact local farmers or the police if they suspect any wrongdoing.

Tony Jarrow


Rushcliffe and Nottinghamshire will enter Tier 3 for restrictions from Wednesday 2 December.

The move is part of the Government’s Winter Plan to reduce the spread of the virus following the end of the four-week national lockdown.

Tier 3 means:

  • No mixing of households indoors or outdoors apart from support bubbles. Maximum of six in some outdoor public places, for example parks and public gardens
  • Hospitality will close except for sales by takeaway, drive-through or delivery
  • Retail, entertainment and personal care businesses can all open
  • Places of worship are open but cannot interact with anyone outside household or support bubble
  • Avoid travelling out of the area, other than where necessary for work, education, youth services, medical attention or because of caring responsibilities
  • No overnight stays outside of local area, unless necessary for work, education or similar reasons
  • 15 guests for weddings, civil partnerships and wakes; 30 for funerals. Wedding receptions not permitted
  • Exercise classes and organised adult sport can take place outdoors, but should avoid contact. Organised activities for elite athletes, under-18s and disabled people can continue
  • Public buildings and community venues can only open for supervised activities. A further update to clarify this will be outlined as soon as possible.

“It is important that we all follow the new rules and work together to slow the spread of the virus in our communities. People in Nottingham have worked hard to reduce rates of Covid-19 and we have seen cases in the city fall below the national average."

“There is good news about the rollout of vaccines but it’s going to be a while before whole populations are protected from the virus. In the meantime, our local health and care services continue to experience severe pressures."

“I would urge people to continue to follow the best practice around ‘Hands, Face, Space’ and reduce contact with people from other households as much as possible. In particular, anyone who has symptoms of Covid-19 – such as a fever, continuous cough or loss of taste or smell – should isolate immediately and book a test by calling 119.”

Our Leader Cllr Simon Robinson said: “These new restrictions again call on all residents to play their part to do all they can to stop the transmission of the virus, with cases and deaths at the existing levels, it is vital you continue to follow these rules."

Rushcliffe Borough Council

Cropwell Bishop Food Bank (updated)

Help from Food Bank
Help from Food Bank

Can You Help Cropwell Bishop Food Bank

Help from Food Bank

Reason for the Digging ....


If you notice holes being dug in the field between Church Street and the Primary School – which is the proposed site for new homes – the reason is explained below.

Tony Jarrow

Bloor Homes’ appointed contractors will be excavating trial trenches across the site.

We are not commencing development but carrying out archaeological works required by the planning permission.

These works will start on Monday (23 Nov), lasting around 2 weeks, and they have been agreed with the County Archaeologist.

Jennifer Towers
Planning Manager – Bloor Homes

Billie Supporters Give Over £1,100 to Cropwell Bishop Surgery

Billie Bear gives cheque

Billie the Brownhill Bear presented a cheque for £1,126.00 to the Cropwell Bishop Surgery today.

Ruby and Ebony Partridge were pleased to see Billie again as they are very proud of him. They visited him daily over the first 3 months of lockdown.

Luckily, Dr Mahony was there to receive it on behalf of Belvoir Health Group.

Thank you again to everyone for your generous donations, especially when we got to £900.00.

To exceed £1,000 was just brilliant.

Well Done Billie!

( and well done Pam Wakefield — Tony Jarrow)

Gary Jowett Voucher for September Quiz Winner

Congratulations to Caroline Bellamy who has won the September 'Cropwell Bishop News' Quiz.
Her entry was drawn out of the "hat of 30+ correct entries" at the Parish Council meeting this evening.
Caroline wins a £20 voucher for Gary Jowett's Butchers — donated by The Parish Council.

Find out how many questions you got right: here are the answers:

1. Which month was the Parish Council's first Zoom meeting? ..... May (page 30)

2. When will Red Leicester be stocked? ..... October (Page 25)

3. How much for rice pudding with Black Forest Compote? ..... £2.50 (Page 17)

4. Discretionary Business Grant awarded CBPC how much? ..... £10,000 (Page 20)

5. How long will your trip to Bangor last & didn't you have a lovely time? ..... day (Page 29,30)

6. The Old School can currently host how many people downstairs? ..... 22 (Page 20)

7. Blue Stilton is matured for up to how many weeks? ..... 12 (Page 25)

8. Who has produced a series of professional garden videos? ..... Ricky Snodgrass (Page 10)

9. How many Street Stories to come? ..... over 30 (Page 13)

10. How much did Billie raise? ..... £1,126 (Page 4)

11. Who funds CB Heritage Group's Archive work? ..... Co-op (Page 13)

12. How many teams competed in a 6-a-side? ..... 5 (Page 16)

13. Michael Gove said, "tending your allotment counted as exercise", when? ...... 24th March (Page 14)

14. What year did Ray start being our Ranger/Lengthsman? ..... 2007 (Page 2)

15. In August, our Co-op raised money for which charity? ..... MIND (Page 22)

16. Children enjoyed a surprise treat from a visiting what? ..... ice-cream van (Page 23)

Hilary Jarrow
Cropwell Bishop News

Parking Restrictions Proposed for Cropwell Bishop

Following reports of inappropriate and inconsiderate parking and in order to ease traffic movements in the village, it is proposed to introduce ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ restrictions (Double Yellow Lines) along parts of Nottingham Road, Fern Road, Church Street, Kinoulton Road, Old Lenton Close, Hoe View Road, Field Lane, St Giles Way, The Maltings and Stockwell Lane, Cropwell Bishop.

The proposals have been designed to retain some on street parking, which will have a chicane effect and act as a traffic calming measure and have the agreement of the local County Councillor and the Parish Council.

It is also proposed to introduce 2 new Bus Stop Clearways, No Stopping Monday to Saturday 7am to 7pm at the Bus Stops on Church Street.

The proposals will be advertised and notices displayed on site. A plan showing the proposals (Drawing number H/SLW/3534/01) is attached, along with a copy of the site notice.

Any observations on these proposals should reach me in writing, either by letter or email, by 16th November 2020.

If your comments are in the form of an objection to the proposals please clearly state this and the reasons for your objection.

If the objection cannot be resolved, it will be reported through the County Council’s procedures at the appropriate time.

Any details you provide may be shared with Nottinghamshire County Council as appropriate. If you’d like to find out more about how we use your data, please see our Privacy Notice:


Steph Walford (Mrs)
Senior Improvements Officer (via)

Via East Midlands Ltd is working on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council to deliver Highway Services.

Nottingham Road restrictions
Nottingham Road restrictions
Nottingham Road restrictions
Nottingham Road restrictions
Notice of restrictions

Planning Application for 85 Dwellings

View of proposed housing site

Planning Application for the 85 Dwellings on Church Street: Reference Number: 20/02281/REM

Applicant: Ms Fell.

Development: Approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline planning permission 18/02700/OUT for residential development of 85 dwellings.

Location: Land East Of Nos. 1 To 9 Springfield Close Cropwell Bishop Nottinghamshire.

The above planning application to consider the reserved matters for the proposed 85 dwellings on Church Street is now open for public consultation.

If you wish to comment on this application, please submit your observations online as soon as possible, but no later than 16 October 2020.

To make comments on the proposals, click: See application and make comment.

Submit your observations through the comments tab.

When submitting your comments online, please indicate clearly whether you object, do not object/support or have no comment for or against.

Janice Towndrow
Cropwell Bishop Parish Clerk

Statement by Memorial Hall

The Memorial Hall Committee are sorry to announce that the Hall is now closed until further notice.

Memorial Hall image

Over the lockdown we became concerned about some movement cracks in the building, particularly to the front elevation along with some defects in other areas.

The Committee commissioned a survey and report by a Chartered Structural Engineer, and this concluded that extensive immediate and extensive repair works were required.

Our insurers have advised that we should now close until the works have been completed so that we can ensure peoples’ safety.

Following advice from our lawyers we have taken the decision to fence the Hall off to ensure public safety and would ask that if you see anyone interfering with the fencing or signage that you let us know or ring the Police straight away.

We would ask all users to be patient whilst we try and find a way forward.

Memorial Hall Committee

CANCELLED – Fireworks 2020

We are sad and disappointed to let you know that we have made the difficult decision to cancel the Fireworks Display in 2020.

With the current uncertainties and restrictions on large events, we feel it is the only decision in the circumstances.

We hope to hold the event in 2021.

Cropwell Bishop Parish Council
8th September 2020

Poster saying Fireworks cancelled

Halloween Bear


Billie the Brownhill Bear is coming out to see his friends for Halloween on Saturday October 31st.

He is busy this week making treats.

Do come and visit— he would love to see you all.


High Alert in Cropwell Bishop!

High Alert poster

The HRC Mystery Solved

It didn’t need Morse, Vera, Lewis or even Miss Marple to solve the mysteryo HRC, just the efforts and cooperation of a bunch of Cropwell Bishop people.

In August, John Greenwood revealed that he was puzzled by a plaque on an old barn near his home. It is next to the Creamery on Nottingham Road and the plaque bears the initials and date: H.R.C. 1880.

HRC plaque on end of barn
1880 plaque on end of barn on Nottingham Road, Cropwell Bishop

At first, no one could help but then a chain of discoveries led to a sound explanation for its existence.

It was Jacquee Lacey who started the ball rolling when she discovered that a house in Clifton village had an identical looking plaque but dated 1879.

However, we still didn’t know who HRC was: maybe a local builder?

The Forge
1879 plaque on 'The Forge' house in Clifton

Then, a few days later, Paul Pickup got in touch to point out that the initials were the same as a Henry Robert Clifton who lived at Clifton Hall in the late 1800s.
He also discovered that Henry had paid for the building of a school in Clifton village.

Further online searches revealed another house in Clifton village with a similar HRC plaque.

House in Clifton Village with H.R.C. plaque
Another house in Clifton village with an HRC plaque

This all pointed to HRC being the initials of Henry Robert Clifton. But why were his initials on a barn in Cropwell Bishop – no one could find any connection between him and our village.

Until, that is, Pam Wregg joined the search.

She found that a Gervais Clifton had once owned land around Cropwell Bishop and then recalled seeing his name on an old map.

The 1804 map of the village is well known and contains the names of numerous land owners but it needed Pam to spot the Clifton name.

A small region of the 1804 map of Cropwell Bishop showing the landowners around The Yews farm
A small region of the 1804 map of Cropwell Bishop showing the landowners around The Yews farm

I have highlighted in yellow the location of The Yews farmhouse and its outbuildings. The fields painted blue are known to have been owned by “Sir G Clifton” – one contains his name and the others are listed in associated documents provided by Anne Terzza.

I think we can safely assume that this Sir G Clifton was indeed the Sir Gervase Clifton that Pam had found. He was one of the hereditary Baronets that successively owned the Clifton estate – but which one?

Here is a list of the Clifton Baronets (with known dates of birth and death):

  1. Sir Gervase Clifton (?-1588)
  2. Sir Gervase Clifton (1587-1666)
  3. Sir Gervase Clifton (1612-1676)
  4. Sir William Clifton (1663-1686)
  5. Sir Gervase Clifton (? -1731)
  6. Sir Robert Clifton (1690-1762)
  7. Sir Gervase Clifton (1744-1815)
  8. Sir Robert Clifton (1767-1837)
  9. Sir Juckes Granville Juckes-Clifton (1769-1852)
  10. Sir Robert Juckes Clifton (1826-1869)
  11. Henry Robert Clifton (1832-1896)
  12. Sir Hervey Juckes Lloyd Bruce (1843-1919)
  13. Percy Robert Clifton (1872-1944)
  14. Peter Thomas Clifton (1911-1996)

It should be noted that when a family member ‘next in line’ inherited the estate, they often changed their name to a more appropriate one.

This explains the recurrence of the ‘Gervase Clifton’ name, but also makes it impossible to identify the original owner of the ‘blue’ Cropwell Bishop fields. However, it is enough to know that the Clifton family would probably have still owned these fields in 1880 when the barn was built.

But did they also own The Yews farmhouse and its buildings?

Jonathan Good had the answer.

He found original documents relating to the purchase of houses on Mill Lane in 1909 which show that land to its west (ie. The Yews farm) was owned by Sir Hervey Juckes Lloyd Bruce – the Baronet of the Clifton estate at that time. Can we assume that Sir Hervey also owned the buildings as well as the land? Once again, Jonathan had the answer.

He found documents describing the purchase of The Yews farmhouse in 1920 by Matthew Richards from Percy Robert Clifton, the Baronet of the Clifton estate. Apparently, Percy had to sell it to enable him to pay the death duties due on Sir Hervey’s death.

This then, confirmed that the Clifton estate had previously owned, not only the land, but also the buildings associated with The Yews farm.

So, in conclusion, The Yews farm and its buildings were owned by Henry Robert Clifton when the barn was built in 1880 – which explains why his initials, H.R.C., appear on the barn’s wall.

Thanks to John, Jacquee, Paul, Pam, Anne and Jonathan for their searching, inspired guesswork and tenacity which solved this local mystery.

Now, what else requires the skills of our History Investigators?

Tony Jarrow


As part of this investigation, John Greenwood wrote to the owner of The Forge in Clifton.

A few days after the publication of this article, he had a reply from the occupier, Richard Acock, who had consulted the previous owner, Mrs Bonner, who informed him:

"The plaque was laid at the time of the house’s construction in 1879 by Henry Robert Clifton, who at the time, owned the Clifton Estate, and had the property built to service the needs of the saddlery of the Manor, alongside other constructions".

This dispels any possible doubt about the source of HRC plaques in Clifton.


What's Happening Here?

These photos were taken this morning outside The Old School.

Read all about it in the upcoming edition of Cropwell Bishop News which will be arriving through your letterbox later this month.

Tony Jarrow

Ray Kimpton award presentation
Ray Kimpton award presentation
Ray Kimpton award presentation

Harvest Thanksgiving on Sunday

Church image

Our Parish Harvest Thanksgiving will be on Sunday 4th October from 10.30am – and this year we are going online.

Our main service of Harvest Thanksgiving will be found at and will feature members of our communities and Langar Primary School.

We will be giving thanks for our communities and villages, our businesses, farmers, volunteers and individuals who have worked tirelessly to care for one another over these last months.

Rachel Mitchell

New Booking System at West Bridgford Household Waste and Recycling Centre

A new trial online booking system for the Household Waste and Recycling Centre in West Bridgford is to launch on September 1st 2020, Nottinghamshire County Council have announced.

The centre on Rugby Road will only be accepting pre booked vehicles from next month, with 15-minute time slots available between 8.15am and 7.45pm every day during the summer opening hours. Up to five vehicles will be allowed on site at any one time.

Residents must already be registered to use Nottinghamshire County Council's recycling centres before booking their time slot easily through the authority's website. Click: Book to Recycle

Sessions can be booked up to two weeks in advance but must me booked at least 24 hours before visiting the site as no same day slots will be available.

Visitors to the site will not be permitted entry without an electronic or paper copy of their emailed booking receipt.

Residents are requested not to make multiple bookings and use other sites where the need to visit more than once in any two week period.

Only the West Bridgford recycling centre will need to be pre-booked, and residents can carry on using any of the Council's 11 other sites around the County without appointment.

Those who would like more information or to book their recycling visit over the phone should telephone N.C. customer service centre on 0300 500 8080 between 8.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday

Janice Towndrow
Parish Clerk

Cropwell Bishop's First Post-Lockdown Event!

COVID-19 has not gone away but we are all learning how to live with it until a vaccine is available (fingers crossed).

People are managing to do things differently – like making having face-to-face contact with family or work colleagues on tablets and computers.

Continuing the theme of "doing things differently", the organisers of our annual Stilton Stumble 10K Run have worked out how to stage this year's event in a safe, socially-distance way. How is this possible?

Find out more: see the poster on the Events page.

To go direct to their website, click: Stilton Stumble.

Tony Jarrow

Cottage Garden Scene


Over £1000 for NHS!

Well, Billie got to his target and beyond.

Grand total £1,126.

A huge THANK YOU to everyone, who has supported raising money for the NHS, due to the activities of a much loved ‘Billie the Brownhill Bear’.

After reaching £937 on Friday, donations for the raffle came flooding in and tickets went flying out.

This 3 months has made me very happy, entertaining the children ( and adults, may I add)!!

There is a lovely community spirit in Cropwell Bishop and I have made numerous friends.

I taught at Toothill, Bingham in the 70’s and often when out shopping, children would say “Hello Miss” or ‘Ey up Miss’. Now I am called ‘The Bear lady’ or ‘Billie’s mum!!!!! Wonderful. 😃

Pam Wakefield

H.R.C. Mystery Solved?

House in Clifton Village with H.R.C. plaque

The mystery surrounding the HRC plaque (see previous story) is now clearer thanks to Paul Pickup of Cropwell Bishop.

Paul got in touch and pointed out that HRC are the initials of a Henry Robert Clifton who lived at Clifton Hall in the late 1800s.

He was born in Clifton in 1832 and married in 1860. He inherited the Clifton estate in 1869 and lived at Clifton Hall. He provided a new school in Clifton village.

We know there is a plaque on 'The Forge' house bearing his initials and I discovered another house in Clifton village with a similar plaque (see photo right).

So there seems little doubt that any HRC initials on buildings in the Clifton area at this time, are his.

He served as Justice of the Peace and was High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire in 1875. He was a rich man in a position of power who never had children. He appears to have been eager to help others less fortunate than himself. He died in 1896.

The plaque in Cropwell Bishop looks very similar to the ones in Clifton – and their dates differ by only a few years. Also, the things he did suggest that he was just the sort of person who might support the completion of other buildings beyond Clifton village.

So, the building in Cropwell Bishop was built with Henry Robert Clifton's money: mystery solved – or is it?

Nowhere, can I find, any connection between Henry Robert Clifton and Cropwell Bishop. Why on earth would he pay for a barn to be built here?

Thinking caps back on ....

Tony Jarrow

Mystery Plaque

The recent story about the "HRC" plaque on an old barn next to the Creamery (28-8-20) has become a little less of a mystery.

Jacquee Lacey, in the village, somehow discovered that an old house in Clifton had a very similar plaque.

The outline shape and initials are the same but the year is 1879 in place of 1880. I have been unable to find any other examples of the plaque on local buildings.

Jaqui's discover suggests, to me, that HRC are the initials of the builder. I doubt modern builders would get away with such a permanent advert on their property, but I may be wrong: does anyone have a "Built by Wimpey" plaque on their house?

Maybe it was the fashion in those days. Maybe the builder offered a discount for adding it – now that would interest modern home owners!

Will someone discover an 1881 example?

Tony Jarrow

Yews Barn
1879 plaque on 'The Forge' house in Clifton
Yews Barn
1880 plaque in Cropwell Bishop
Yews Barn
1879 plaque

A Local Mystery

Many thanks to Tony Jarrow, the Heritage group and local residents for putting together the fascinating accounts and historical origins of our Street Names.

I Refer to the Richards Close article, and the unknown father of Eliza Richards’ son, born 1854, named ‘Robert Smith Richards’.

I suspect from the similarity of names that the father was Robert Smith, born 1826, who was son of John Smith and Anne Hall who were married in 1824 and lived in The Yews! (reference Chronicles of Cropwell Bishop).

It is interesting that ‘The Yews’ farmhouse (opposite the Methodist Chapel) features from time to time in the village family histories. However, there is one mystery to solve.

There are some initials and a date (HRC 1880) which can be seen if you stand on Nottingham Road with your back to the newly built attractive house just by the corner of Richards Close.

The initials are on the gable end of the Long Barn which used to be part of ‘The Yews’ farm yard.

Yews Barn
Yews Barn

From Tony’s account it seemed that Matthew Cooper (married to Eliza Richards) inhabited The Yews from 1890 to 1898 when it passed to his step son Robert Smith Richards.

John Parr (from Barnstone) apparently lived in The Yews from 1844 but we have not found any records of a person with the initials HRC.

Does anybody have any ideas who they might relate to?

We look forward to having more of our village history revealed by its street names.

Cllr John Greenwood

Nottinghamshire's Plans For COVID-19 Outbreaks


To have your say on this Plan, click: Strategic Plan.

Nottinghamshire's Plans For COVID-19 Outbreaks

Outbreak plans

For an explanation of 'The Nottinghamshire Local Outbreak Plan', click: Outbreak Plan.

St Giles Open for Prayer


Village Celebration Weekend - Heritage Group

Had we had the annual Village Celebration this Weekend, the Heritage Group would have had displays in the Parish Room to commemorate VE Day and the 75 years for the end of WW2. Here is a small part from the display that would have been on show.


There were 5 young men from Cropwell Bishop who paid the ultimate sacrifice during WWII and their names are recorded on the Rolls of Honour in the village.

Cyril Truswell

Guardsman in the Grenadier Guards

Cyril was based in the UK with the Grenadier Guards at the start of the war on Civil Defence duties to safeguard Britain in the event of an invasion.
He was deployed to France in Operation Overlord in June 1944 and was killed 01/01/1945 – Aged 34.
He is buried at Heverlee War Cemetery, Vlaams-Brabant, Belgium. There were 983 Casualties.
Inscription “A Heart of Gold, One of The Best This World Could Hold. Always in Our Thoughts” -he was the son of Edward & Florence Jane Truswell and was born in Radford in 1910 and lived at Canal Cottage in the village.
Service number 2615530.

(John) Albert Hall

Leading Aircraftman RAF.

Died 11/07/1943 – Aged 21, he set sail from Greenock on the 9th July, travelling on a troop ship the HMT Duchess of York, destined for Vigo in Sierra Leone in the “Conway Faith” Convoy .
The Convoy came under attack by Focke-Wulf Fw 200 aircraft on the 11th July and 2 of the ships were hit and set on fire, The SS California and HMT Duchess of York were badly damaged. 628 servicemen were rescued by the rest of the convoy and sadly 46 lives were lost, among them John.
John was the husband of Joyce Hall (nee Cox) of Knowle Park Bristol and the son of George and Rachael Hall of Cropwell Bishop and he lived in a house opposite the Chequers – the house is no longer there - having been demolished to make way for the new housing estate off Church St.
He is commemorated at The Runneymede Memorial in Surrey UK. The Memorial overlooks the River Thames on Coopers Hill in Runnymede and is sometimes known as the Air Force Memorial and commemorates more than 20,000 airmen and women who were lost in the Second World War during operations from bases in the UK and North and Western Europe who have no known grave.
Service Number 648574.

Walter Thomas Whitmore

Pilot Officer in the 65 Sqdn RAF Volunteer Reserve.

In May 1943 his squadron had joined the 2nd Tactical Airforce.
He died 03/01/1944 flying a ‘Ranger’ sortie to Brussels in a Spitfire V/X1 MA835 – Aged 22 and is buried at Schoonselhof Cemetery, Antwerp, Belgium.
He was the son of widow Mary Ellen Whitmore and lived at 48 Fern Road Cropwell Bishop.
Inscription “You Need No Medals Nor Bars, Your Name Is Written On The Stars” Heartbroken Mum.
Service Number 169118.

George Dickenson Wright

Flying Officer (Pilot) with 612 Sqdn Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve and was mentioned in dispatches.

The Squadron at this time was a General Reconnaissance unit within RAF Coastal Command.
In the early part of the war the squadron was based in Iceland at RAF Reykjavikian from December 1941 returning to the UK in August 1942 and in the early part of 1943 was based in Scotland at RAF Wick, flying a mix of anti-submarine patrols and convoy protection missions, focusing on the precious convoys to Russia.
He set off from Wick at 8.10 in a Whitley VII BD683 on a Flora V Patrol in the far north of Norway, sadly George was killed 27/02/1943 Aged 23, he is buried along with the other pilot in Norway at the Trondheim (Stavne).
He was the son of George B & Dorothy L Wright and lived next door to Walter Whitmore at 46 Fern Road.
Inscription “Peace, Perfect Peace” Service Number 121420.

William Henry Slater

Whilst serving as a Fusilier with 6th Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusilier was mentioned in dispatches.

His Battalion formed part of the 6th Armoured Division and he was fighting in the Tunisian Campaign in North Africa 1942/43.
He was killed 18/01/1943 aged 26 during shelling around West Hill and Grandstand Hill, 7 other allied soldiers also lost their lives that day in this incident, along with heavy enemy casualties. Also 28 German POW were taken. # “Identification found them to be from 1 and 111 Bttns Hermann Goering Regiment and also 11 Marsch Bttns.
All prisoners were willing to talk and all remarked on the weight and accuracy of our artillery, which they said was deadly.
“William is buried at Medjez-El-Bab War Cemetery in Tunisia.
William was married to Lucy Margaret Slater and lived in Brickyard Cottage on Nottingham Road and he was the son of Thomas Henry & Rose Emma Slater.
Inscription “Duty Nobly Done”.

Anne Terzza & Pam Wregg

(Cropwell Bishop Heritage Group)

Play Parks Opening on Saturday 4th July

The Cropwell Bishop play areas will be opened on Saturday 4th July 2020 following Government Guidelines which can be found at

The equipment will be sprayed every morning to ensure a clean start to every day. However, parents and children need to have washed hands before going to play and take sanitiser along with you for before and after use of the play equipment.

There are rules that still need to be adhered to during the current phase of the virus. Please see the signage below that will be in place at the playpark and for everyone’s safety stick to them.

Food cannot be consumed within the play equipment areas but can be consumed on the open field.

Thank you

Janice Towndrow
Parish Clerk


Then and Now

Fifty-five years ago, back in the "Swinging Sixties", Cropwell Bishop was, by and large, a sleepy, undeveloped village.

In those days most families couldn't afford a car and a telephone was the black bakelite thing in the red box on Church Street. The only TV stations were the BBC and ITV and you watched them in black and white on, at best, a 17inch screen. Communication was mostly with work colleages or over the garden fence. But things were about to change.

There was full employment and many people wanted to buy a home of their own. Most young couples wanted to move into a new house as soon as they were married - and most did! Following the "baby boom" after the Second World War, Britain's population was growing and more houses had to be built.

And so it was that Cropwell Bishop become a village of growth. The picture below was taken in the 1960s. Look at its title.

Look carefully and you will see a broad white line enclosing a number of fields an also some buildings. During the next 10 years or so, this enclosure became the site of hundreds of new homes.

It is fascinating to compare this photo with second colour one which, I think, was taken about 8 years ago. In the 1960s there were about 10 named streets in the village; now there are 37.

Maybe now is a good time to take a look at all of these streets in more detail .....

Tony Jarrow

CB in 1960s
CB in 2010s

Record Temperatures

Glorious sunny weather but record ultra-violet levels. Protect your skin from UV with sun-cream; protect yourself from Coronavirus by keeping 2m apart.


Get Your Hair Cut: in Cropwell Bishop?

The Hair Barn on Nottingham Road, Cropwell Bishop is looking forward to opening again on 4th July. This is what the staff have to say ...

Hair Barn

We can’t wait to see you again and just want to let you know of the changes that will be in place for everyone’s safety, now we are working under different guidance due to Covid 19.

  • Appointments only. Please arrive on time and alone as we have restrictions on numbers in the salon. One client at a time per stylist.
  • On arrival either ring the bell and wait for us to come and get you or wait in your car and ring salon to let us know you are waiting. THERE WILL BE NO WAITING AREA IN SALON.
  • Please wear a face covering and when you arrive at salon we have hand sanitizer and a temperature check.
  • Unfortunately we can’t offer drinks or magazines at this time so you may want to bring your own.
  • Please do not attend appointment if you are feeling unwell. We would appreciate your honesty no matter how bad you want your hair doing: we would rather you cancel and rearrange for everyone’s safety.
  • All staff will be wearing PPE and every work area will be cleaned down after each client so we will be allowing time to do this between appointments.
  • We have had to make price increases to cover our working environment and we can only do a restricted number of clients per day now so we hope you understand our reasons for doing this.
  • Payment will be card machine or BACS transfer.

We know this is all very daunting and please bare with us as we get used to our new environment. We have missed you all so much and can’t wait to get back to work. Let’s hope these changes aren’t permanent .

Thank you all for your support and understanding and look forward to seeing you.

Take care

Hair Barn Girls xxx

833 Service Updates on Twitter

Vectare have advised the Parish Council that they have launched a Twitter account - @VectareLive

This twitter page is for dedicated service updates relating to local buses in the area, including service 833.

Janice Towndrow
Cropwell Bishop Parish Clerk

Footpath/Cycleway to the A46?

Can we get a footpath/cycleway alongside Nottingham Road to the A46? Is there anything that people living in Cropwell Bishop can do to make this happen?

With the renewed interest in Cycling and walking following the Coronavirus crisis, Cropwell Bishop Parish Council has written to our MP, Ruth Edwards and the County Council requesting completion of the footpath/cycleway on Nottingham Road from the New Dairy at the top of the hill to the A46.

This will provide a safer route from the village towards Cotgrave (via the canal towpath) and link to the existing cycleways into Nottingham. The Council are considering our request.

Colin Bryan located a website which gives an opportunity for anyone to highlight cycling/footway needs.

Colin and I have already ‘dropped a pin’ to highlight our needs on Nottingham Road and it would be helpful if others could add their ‘likes’ and perhaps drop more pins to encourage Council action on this necessary cycleway and footpath for our village.

To do this, click:

Support request for path

... and click on the map near Cropwell Bishop. Then click on the walk or cycle logo on Nottingham Road to add your "like".

Thank you for your support.

Cllr John Greenwood

Cycle Path Vote

Jacob Clark – Cropwell Bishop’s Own Rising Star

Our very own Jacob Clark is to be the newest member of the FHSU (Fort Hayes State University in Kansas) ‘Tigers’ Athletics team, as part of their Track and Field Squad, competing in the pole vault.

Jacob became interested in pole vault in 2014 after being spotted in the gymnastics arena and joined Millfield School in 2018 to study for his A levels aswell to further enhance his opportunities in the sport. Jacob was the English Schools U17 Champion in 2018 and U20 runner up in 2019. He was also the English Athletics U17 champion on 2018 and U20 runner up in 2019.

Jacob has a personal best of 15’9” (4.80 meters). Joining the Tigers will give Jacob the chance to take his Pole Vault to new heights aswell as studying a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Geoscience.

At FHSU, the Pole Vault programme follows a carefully drawn plan covering not only the jumping aspect of the sport but speed, strength, nutrition and recovery. The squad will be eight vaulters, male and female, all living and studying together with the same dream of jumping to great heights.

Jacob set his sights on America for university during his time at Toothill School, needing to achieve good GCSE results and a scholarship to Millfield School in Somerset.

Once he gained his place next came jumping height and completing an entrance examination (SAT) allowing him to study in America. Nearly there, now to put himself on the American stage! The whole process hasn’t been at all easy but with a goal and hard work he has done it and COVID got in the way but hasn’t stopped him. The National Letter of Intent was signed and just the VISA remains.

A huge thank you to Rushcliffe Borough Council, Elite Sports Grant and Nottinghamshire County Council’s Talented Athletes Fund whom Jacob is funded by. Their funding has helped Jacob purchase new equipment to continue his lockdown training assuring he boards the plane for the US in the best possible shape he can be in these difficult times.

Cropwell Bishop would like to say we are very proud of your achievements and wish you the very best of luck as you join the FHSU Tigers.

Re-opening our Churches for Private Prayer


Following the government’s announcement that churches may open for private prayer from the 15th June, we have begun to work towards opening some churches across our parish - including St Giles Church in Cropwell Bishop.

However, the churches have been closed for some time and are in need of a good clean. Before we open, we need to be sure that those who care for our churches and those who come to pray, are not placed at risk. It is essential we have high standards of safety and hygiene. As you can imagine, in our beautiful but ancient buildings this is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

We are going through an unprecedented and, yes weird, season in the life of our nation. We have not had to do all this before. Please bear with us as we figure out how to move forward.

The churches may only be open for short periods of private prayer at first. Please look out for updates on the village website, our parish website and church notice boards.

If you are willing to come and help clean or could volunteer to help in any way to care for our churches and those who use them, please do contact us. We would love to hear from you.

In the meantime, we are still busy being church in our community. You can find us online at


If you have been wondering about faith and have questions you would like to ask, you may like to join our online Alpha course starting on Wednesday evenings soon.

Call or text me on 07944 992178 for details of Alpha or how you can volunteer.

Rachel, Rev’d

Parish Council Meetings - "Zoomed"

If you didn't make it to the Cropwell Bishop Parish Council Meeting last week, don't fret, you can still experience the whole meeting from home.

In normal times the meeting is held at The Old School but, on the last two occasions, it has been held online via home computers and phones using "Zoom" software.

The meetings are recorded and can be accessed through the Parish Council's website (click the CBPC tab).

To see last week's meeting now, click: CBPC Meeting 2-6-20

The next meeting is on Tuesday 7th July at 7pm.

Tony Jarrow


A Plea to the Horse Community of Cropwell Bishop

The Parish Council have received complaints about the horse manure left on the public Footpaths in Cropwell Bishop.

Horse and riders should not be riding on the public footpath, we request that if you have no choice but to ride your horse on the footpath that horse riders clear up wherever possible when mishaps occur on a public pavement.

This picture is one on Hoe View Road public pavement this weekend.

Years ago residents would have been out with a dustpan and bucket to clear up the mess for use on their gardens but residents now see this not as a free compost but as a health hazard.

Thank you

Janice Towndrow
Parish Clerk

Horse drops

Mindless Vandalism at our Playpark

MUGA damage

How sad that there are people out there that think it is OK to cause Criminal Damage to justify their own requirements in life.

This Vandalism was done at the playpark on Saturday.

This fencing had been put in place to protect our community from the possible spread of COVID-19.

The damaged fencing will now be removed and the Muga area accessible. However, please be aware that the use of this area Is completely at your own risk.

Government guidelines are still in place that open space parks should be open, but play equipment has to remain closed.

Parish Clerk
Cropwell Bishop Parish Council

Transport: what do you Think?

Our MP, Ruth Edwards, is currently conducting a transport survey which seeks the views of her constituents on the sort of transport infrastructure they'd like to see and how existing services across Rushcliffe could be improved.

She would be most grateful if you would complete this survey and encourage other Cropwell Bishop residents to do so as well. To take part, click: Survey .

John Greenwood
Cropwell Bishop Parish Council

Water levels on the Grantham Canal

A representative of the Grantham Canal River Trust has written to the Parish Council to say ...

I’m writing to you, along with other organisations and community groups, about water levels in the Grantham Canal.

Following the recent period of very dry weather we have received a number of concerns about water levels in the canal - specifically around Lady Bay and Kinoulton.

To raise awareness of the challenges we face, we have produced a position statement which details the background and sets out our approach to management of this section of the canal in response to these challenges.

I have also condensed the statement into a press release which you’re welcome to use in any newsletters if you feel it would be of interest to your local community. We will also be installing local signage to inform visitors to the canal.

To download these pdf documents, click;

Press release or

Background information

Tony Jarrow

Planting of Old School Jubilee Gardens

The Parish Council would like to thank everyone involved in the clearing and replanting of the Jubilee Gardens and Window Boxes at The Old School.

Thanks also to everyone involved with the watering rota: in a couple of weeks this will look really lovely for all our residents when they are out and about. Hopefully it will bring a little cheer in these strange times.

Thank you all

Janice Towndrow
Parish Clerk

Jubilee Gardens
Jubilee Gardens

We Are Always Open

These are difficult times that we are all going through when the support of other people can make a real difference.


I am rector of St Giles Church and I am here for all people in the villages in our parish - including those with other faiths, those who are unsure, and those with none.

In these days of “lockdown”, St Giles remains closed and many people are self-isolating or shielding. However, this does not mean that we can’t meet, only that we have to do so differently for the time being.

We are still holding church services and finding ways to meet together. Some of our meetings are held on Zoom, and our leaders meet each day to pray for our villages. Weekly notices and Sunday services can be found on our website
All are welcome.

I am available on the end of the phone (0115 989 0361) should anyone wish to talk or pray - it's always good to pick up the phone and hear a friendly voice at the moment!

With love and prayers for your good health and those you love.

Rachel Mitchell

Huge Fire at Langar

A huge fire is sending plumes of thick black smoke into the sky above Langar.

Eye-witnesses have also reported hearing explosion sounds originating from the scene.

Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue said: "We have 15 crews currently in attendance at a large fire at Langar Airfield Industrial estate. Please keep your windows and doors closed if you live within the area as we work hard to extinguish the fire.

"We were called at 2:43pm following reports of a fire. Crews from Newark, Melton Mowbray, London Road, Highfields, East Leake, Stockhill, Southwell, Bingham along with three water carriers from Worksop, Loughborough and Clay Cross are currently in attendance."

"Smoke from fires contain lots of different chemicals that can't be immediately identified - please continue to keep your doors and windows closed as a precaution. Our firefighters will be working throughout the night to dampen down the fire."

Tony Jarrow (22.15)


Time for Tea on VE day

Tony & Hilary

To complete the pictures of our VE anniversary street celebrations here is one of Tony and Hilary.

I am sure everybody in the village would like to thank Tony for his brilliant work in keeping the web site going for our information and entertainment.

The contributions from the residents of all ages are a credit to our village and demonstrate the caring of friends and neighbours in these difficult times.

Thank you.

John Greenwood

Celebrating VE Day - at a Distance

Was this scene on other streets in Cropwell Bishop today: celebrating and socialising with neighbours but keeping a safe distance apart? I hope so: the Covid19 virus is still around and loves parties.

If you have photos of your street, send them to me and share your fun with the rest of the village

Tony Jarrow

VE Day on Barratt Close
VE Day on Barratt Close
VE Day on Barratt Close
VE Day on Barratt Close
VE Day on Barratt Close
VE Day on Barratt Close

VE Day: Children Celebrate Artfully

At the Primary School, we had some fantastic entries for our VE Day Competition where the children had to find out facts about Victory in Europe and present them on a poster or in a poem.

The school staff all judged the competition and choose the winners. Well done to everyone who entered!

The results of our VE Day Competition are below. All the entries can be found on the Cropwell Bishop Primary School website.

Julie Thorpe
Teaching Assistant
Cropwell Bishop Primary School

VE Day Pictures
Key Stage 1: 1st - Carys Powell, Class 2
VE Day Pictures
Key Stage 1: 2nd - Dylan Varnam, Class 1
VE Day Pictures
Key Stage 1: 3rd - Orla Jordan, Class 1
VE Day Pictures
Key Stage 2: 1st - Alex Cooke, Class 3 1st - Alex Cooke, Class 3
VE Day Pictures
Key Stage 2: 2nd - Sam Radburn, Class 3
VE Day Pictures
Key Stage 2: 3rd - Annabelle Griffin, Class 5

Dancing and Singing on Church Street for VE Day - 75 years ago

What were the celebrations like on VE Day in Cropwell Bishop back in 1945?

The Village Heritage Group did not have any photographs illustrating the joyous festivities in the village to celebrate the end of WWII in Europe. They didn’t even know where the celebrations were held in the village!
That is, until now ….

Following a request for information, we were informed that there was a big street party held on Church Street on May 8th 1945.

We were told of the memories of a young boy who, on that momentous day, could remember standing in Connie Starbucks garden opposite the Chequers and seeing the road full of people dancing and singing.

Rhythm Aces
The Rhythm Aces

We were told by another villager that a Dance Swing Band called the Rhythm Aces, played on Church Street in the evening as part of the ongoing celebrations. The band went over to Johnny and Connie Starbucks house and brought out their piano to play.

Harry Burrows, who played the piano, would later continue with a re-formed Band until 1965. At this time the Band included Margaret (Brown/Cook) Foster on Accordion, Mavis (Thornton/Wilson) Grice on Xylophone, Joyce (Knight) Burrows (Harrys wife) played drums and Eric Parnham the Accordion. A good time was had by all!

The Heritage Group would welcome any memories from the 20th Century.
Please contact Anne Terzza on: 0115 9893147

Anne Terzza & Pam Wregg

Harry Burrows
Harry Burrows

Blue Sky Thinking

Have you noticed the beautiful blue skies we are seeing these days. Could it be because there is less pollution?

Thanks to Colin Bryan for the photo taken today.

Blue sky

Dog Poo!

Dog Poo

Isn't this problem history in Cropwell Bishop? Apparently not.

Almost all the dog walkers in Cropwell Bishop collect the remains left by their dog and take it home or deposit it in one of the special bins - but, apparently, a few don't.

There are reports of dog poo being left on paths and also bags of it hanging in trees.

This is probably the result of visitors or of children unaware of their responsibilities.

It is a good idea to report all incidents (go to the Contact page of this website for a clickable link). Offenders - owners, not the dog - can face a big fine.

Tony Jarrow

Dog Poo

Reminder - Coronavirus Community Help: Cropwell Bishop

Cropwell Bishop

Are you unable to leave your home because of Coronavirus (Covid 19)? Or are you an older person or someone with disability or impairment who needs someone to run errands – shopping or pick up a prescription etc? Do you just want a friendly voice to talk to if you’re feeling isolated? We can and want to help!

We are a group of residents of Cropwell Bishop who are coming together to help out in the community during a time where some people are experiencing difficulty in accessing what they need due to concern about getting ill.

We would like to support the community that we live in and ensure that nobody is left isolated, worried or without what they need.

We won’t ask anything of you in return, we just believe in helping each other in a time of difficulty. We are linked to the parish council.

If you would like to speak to us, or want to ask for help, please text or phone one of the following people from the village who will gladly arrange help for you:

  • Jo Wroughton, parish councillor: 07891 694541
  • Jan Towndrow, parish clerk: 07798 735757
  • Jane Miller: 07815 699878
  • Sara Marshall: 07764 254850
  • Neil Chadborn: 07754 897024
  • Rachael Halpin: 0115 9892755
  • Carol Halpin: 0115 9890366

All of our volunteers have been advised on how to help you safely.

Please contact us - we don’t want anyone to feel alone.

Cropwell Bishop Parish Council

Bye Bye Billie

Bye bye

Billie has packed his suitcase and is going to get in the car, later today. He is going to visit his cousin and Uncle in the Forest of Dean, Glos.

He has so enjoyed all his activities over the last 3 months. Come and say ‘Goodbye’ to Billie today.

He is totalling up the funds he has raised for NHS and will let you know later. He hasn’t hit the £1,000 quite just yet so please keep donating if you can.

He will return on Sunday, (normal baking day) but then is going away again for a longer period. However, he will pop out in the garden from time to time.

Billie hopes you have enjoyed his company and thanks you all for such tremendous support and love especially over the last few days. 😀

Billie's Mum


Billie has raised £917.00 (July 6th) but would really like to get to £1,000. If you have anything suitable for a raffle prize, please drop off at No. 23 Brownhill. Will have a raffle on Sunday. Let’s see if he can do it. Thank you everyone.

Can the Bears Raise £1000?

Bear Hunt
Bear Hunt
Bear Hunt
Bear Hunt

Shropshire Blue Q

Shropshire Blue

Another day, another queue to the Cheesemaker's Shop on Nottingham Road.

This was the scene 15 minutes after opening time. The queue stretches down Nottingham Road and up Barratt Close.

Tony Jarrow

Shropshire Blue

Fantastic Deal on Shropshire Blue

Shropshire Blue

I have now been made aware of another reason why the Cheesemaker's Shop is so popular at the moment (see previous story).

A messsage on The Cheesemaker's Shop Facebook page says:

"Calling all locals!
While stocks last, we are selling WHEELS OF BLUE SHROPSHIRE FOR £10 (approx 3.5kg)!!
This offer is only available to purchase from our Cheesemaker's Shop in Cropwell Bishop."

If you ordered this cheese from the The Creamery's online site, it would cost you £52.

There can be little doubt that this special deal is the magnet attracting shoppers there - but how long can it last?

Better get down there tomorrow if you want some!

Tony Jarrow

Stilton Attracts Buyers

It was good to see Cropwell Bishop Creamery feature on yesterday's BBC TV East Midlands News: it was even better to see the response of local people this morning.

Cheese Shop

From opening time at 10am until at least 12.30pm when this photo was taken, people were queuing outside the shop.

At times, the queue stretched over 20 metres down the road, everyone patiently taking their turn to enter the shop - one at a time.

In the TV report, Robin Skailes described how COVID-19 had had a knock-on effect on the business. Sales to shop outlets worldwide and to Airlines like British Airways, had collapsed, but he said that they were still buying milk from their farm suppliers and still producing cheese.

Their online sales had increased by over 8 times and, of course, the Cheesemaker Shop is still open for local shoppers.

The long queues this morning suggest that viewers had been unaware that the "King of Cheeses" was still available to them direct from the Cropwell Bishop factory shop.

The biggest sales of Stilton Cheese are traditionally at Christmas. With luck, cheese from Cropwell Bishop will still be a festive choice again this year - locally, in the UK and world wide.

Tony Jarrow

Cheese Shop
Cheese Shop
Cheese Shop
Cheese Shop
Cheese Shop
Cheese Shop

Gary Jowett Voucher for March Quiz Winner

Congratulations to Eileen Hepworth who has won the March 'Cropwell Bishop News' Quiz.
Eileen's entry was drawn out of the "hat of correct entries" following the Parish Council meeting last night (a first-time online "virtual meeting" using Zoom software).
Eileen wins a £20 voucher for Gary Jowett's Butchers — donated by The Parish Council.

Find out how many questions you got right: here are the answers:

1. Ding, ding, all aboard when? ..... 23rd March (page 8)

2. Carroll Shelby was an? .....automative designer (Page 14)

3. How old was Harlan Thrombey when he died? ..... 85 (Page 13)

4. Who wants washed plastic bottle tops? ..... Dove Cottage (Page 3)

5. Railway between Ludborough & North Thoresby originally closed when? ..... 1980 (Page 33)

6. Benoit Blanc is a? ..... detective (Page 13)

7. How many actors hurl themsleves from role to role? ..... 3 (Page 10)

8. Who's having a Garage Sale in April? ..... Growers & Gardeners (Page 20)

9. How many colours are missing? ..... 11 (Page 26)

10. The David Shaw Shield played when? ..... 25th April (Page 26)

11. Locals get 10% discount from where? ..... Cheesemakers's Shop (Page 24)

12. Maple and Wild Cherry were how tall? ..... 6ft (Page 22)

13. How many Medals did Emma Scarborough receive? ...... 5 (Page 20)

14. Hatha Yoga class costs how much weekly? ..... £7 (Page 6)

15. Be part of the pick when? ..... 5th April (Page 7)

16. Who is receiving a Special Service Award? ..... Ray Kimpton (Page cover)

Hilary Jarrow
Cropwell Bishop News

CT4N to Reintroduce No.33 Bus Service on Monday

The number 33 bus will begin a limited service on Monday 4th May. For full details, click on the Travel page.

Tony Jarrow

Bulky Waste Collections Resume: Rushcliffe Borough Council

Our bulky waste collections are now safely resuming on Saturdays.


As part of our plans to deliver as many refuse collection services as possible during COVID-19, we are re-opening the service from this Saturday, May 9.

Large items of furniture, mattresses and other large household items can be collected by calling 0115 981 9911 only with online booking available again as soon as possible.

Residents are asked to be patient to book a collection as it is anticipated the service will be popular and will be asked to clarify the items requested to be collected before a booking is confirmed in line with our standard charges.

Large electrical items can be collected by Streetwise Environmental Services by calling 0115 914 8408.

Residents should always use a reputable licensed waste carrier for disposal of any waste from their homes and request to see the relevant documentation from the Environment Agency before agreeing to use a service.

Our Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety Cllr Rob Inglis said: “Our waste teams have a done an excellent job safely maintaining the key bin collections during recent weeks and we’re delighted the only element of the service temporarily suspended is now resuming.

“Please be patient when booking as we know the service may be popular as waste services everywhere continue to adapt in light of the pandemic.”

The Household Waste Recycling Centre on Rugby Road in West Bridgford is operated by the County Council who are working with central government on when its services could resume.

Janice Towndrow
Parish Clerk

Bears: 8pm Clap for Key Workers


Billie's Mug to Help NHS

Hi Everyone

Billie is very excited as he now has some samples of Billie the Brownhill Bear Mugs, with NHS in a heart shape on the front, and Billie with a selection of his siblings on the back.

If you are interested, and live in the village, I can order mugs for you, and have them delivered here - therefore you avoid postage and packing cost.

For every mug sold, £2.50, goes to the NHS.

If you want to order directly from the supplier, email 'Free Bird Designs'.
or call: 07896 947437.

All mugs ordered directly will automatically have a £2.50 donation to NHS. The cost of a mug delivered to your house is £10.00.



Lockdown Notes: Day 39: The Rhythm of Life


It’s day 39 of Lockdown and this morning I was doing some thinking while working on the Allotments – a great place to do some thinking when the sun is just rising and the only audible company are lapwings and skylarks.

I was thinking back to the 1950s and everyday life of my grandparents in Nottingham (Carlton). I was comparing their lifestyle with our’s during lockdown. Obviously, they didn’t have a lockdown but they did live during the Cold War and the ever present threat of nuclear annihilation of the planet hanging over them. Nevertheless, their lives were restricted in many ways.


Because they didn’t have a fridge, fresh food had to shopped for daily. The local Co-Op had it all and was within easy walking distance – so no change there in 70 years!

The Co-Op was also the main supplier of milk; a 1 pint glass bottle left on the doorstep early every morning. If you wanted extra one day, or maybe a ‘gold top’ with jersey cream, you popped a handwritten note in the top of the empty bottle that you left for collection. The week’s deliveries were paid to the milkman on Saturday when the milkman (or men) started out later.

There were other home deliveries from a variety of local suppliers: the tea-man, the fish-man, the egg-man, the mobile grocery van, the soft-drinks man (note: they were all men, most women were housewives in those days). All the delivery people were on first name terms with you and familiar with the things you bought.

The energy for the single fire in the bungalow was delivered by the coal man: 20 hundredweight bags (about 50kg) and my grandad would count in every single one.

There was no telephone but because the homes were council owned, the ‘warden’ would call by every single morning to check they were ok. She lived up the road and, in an emergency, could be summoned at any time by pressing a push button in the kitchen. The doctor’s surgery was just down the road but if you were ill in bed they would, of course, visit you at home.

They never had a car but could get almost anywhere easily by bus. A day visit to a son in Stanley Common near Ilkeston, was a bit of a drag using three buses, but quite doable and popping into Nottingham was dead easy on the trolley buses going every 5 or 10 minutes.

So, I wondered, how has the ‘rhythm of daily life’ changed since those days – particularly while we experience lockdown?

The more I think about it, most changes are with the technology we use. Today we order online instead of using a pencilled note, we do have more choice of foods but maybe not as fresh or local, and we can store food longer in our fridges and freezers and that means less time shopping. But there are some losses: less personal contact - social media is not personal contact.

As I pulled the weeds on my allotment plot, I had the time to reflect that not every change is necessarily better for human health and contentment.

No doubt the lives of my grandparents would have been made much easier had they had: loft insulation, cavity-wall insulation, double-glazing, central heating, an electric blanket, a fridge, a freezer, an automatic washing machine, a telephone, a microwave oven and an electric toaster.

Maybe they would have lived longer than their 84 and 91 years, maybe not.

Back to the weeding.

Tony Jarrow

VE Day Street Party

VE Day

Parish Clerk
Cropwell Bishop Parish Council

Grass Cutting in Cropwell Bishop: Update

I would firstly like to start by thanking Ray Kimpton our Village Ranger/Lengthsman for all his hard work in keeping Cropwell Bishop looking tidy and well maintained during this strange time.

I would also like to thank other residents who have offered or have mowed some of our open spaces within the village.

I have been in touch with RBC to ascertain the situation with regards to Grass Cutting of the RBC Open spaces within the village.

Their response is below.

"Thank you for your phone call to Streetwise Environmental Ltd, about when Rushcliffe Borough Council will be cutting the council spaces in Cropwell Bishop. My name is Deanna Hunt and I am the Contract & Performance Manager for our street and environmental services.

Following on from this initial lockdown period of 3-weeks, as required by the government, we have been working on new procedures for maintaining social distancing while moving mowing equipment and keeping staff safe.

Starting Monday, we will begin a phased approach to re-starting mowing across the Borough. This will include cutting the linear open space first in Cropwell Bishop, and then gradually including the other sites over the next few weeks.

Naturally you would want to ask why we just can’t come and do it all, now? We have used some of the Streetwise staff to deliver the Council’s essential services. We prioritized food delivery and home alarms for the vulnerable, collecting residential waste etc., as a priority over mowing. I’m sure this resonates with you because I know from the incredible community response seen across Rushcliffe, this will reflect the support Cropwell Bishop itself has in place.

We will be starting work in Cropwell Bishop next week. It won’t be all of it because we must balance staff capacity, staff and public safety, with mowing. But it will be re-starting.

I have included a map showing the areas that make up the first mowing session called the linear open spaces. We will do the larger, recreational areas first to support people being able to continue with their daily exercise period.

I hope this information is helpful. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of any further assistance."

SGrass Cutting Map

The map shows that next week they will be cutting the main green areas and the areas in grey will be started at a later date. Our Village Ranger/Lengthsman will start next week on the grey areas to try and keep them tidy until they can recommence fully.

Janice Towndrow
Parish Clerk

Euro Football Quiz: Answers

Here are answers to the Football Quiz that appeared a couple of days ago.

Jamie and Peter

  1. Villa - Ray Winstone - Al Capone (Villarreal)
  2. Los Angeles - Galaxy (LA Galaxy)
  3. Sam Smith - P - Door (Sampdoria)
  4. Ham - Burger (Hamburger)
  5. Board - O (Bordeaux)
  6. Sports - Queen Elizabeth II - Bun (Sporting Lisbon)
  7. Grasshoppers (Grasshoppers)
  8. Pour - Toe (Porto)
  9. Dynamo - Moss - Cow (Dynamo Moscow)
  10. Rapids - V - N (Rapids Wien)
  11. Val Doonican - N - Sia (Valencia)
  12. Bar - Cell - Owner (Barcelona)
  13. A - Sea - Mill - Ann Widdecombe (AC Milan)
  14. Nap - Olly Murs (Napoli)
  15. Red - Star - Bell - Grade (Red Star Belgrade)
  16. Eye - Axe (Ajax)

Sophie's Picture to Display in Nightingale Hospital

Sophie Wainwright

Poster Competition for Primary Children

Rushcliffe MP Ruth Edwards is holding a children’s Spring Poster Competition around the theme of how to keep safe during Coronavirus.

Ruth would like all primary school age children to design a poster reminding people to wash their hands with soap and water to limit the spread of the disease.

The winning entry will receive a £20 book token with second and third places also getting prizes. All winners will also be invited to visit the Palace of Westminster in London with their parents when lockdown restrictions lift.

“I’ve been so pleased to see so many wonderful rainbow drawings go up across Rushcliffe in support of our amazing NHS workers in recent weeks and I now hope my younger constituents might use their talent to help us all stay safe by remembering to wash our hands,” said Ruth.

“I hope many local children will have a go as there is the chance to win great prizes. I want entrants to be as creative and as colourful as possible and I’m looking forward to seeing the posters come in. Best of luck to everyone.”

The competition is only open to children who live in Rushcliffe and are of primary school age. Entries will close on Thursday 23rd April and can be submitted by sending a photo of the poster to: along with the name and address of the child, their age, a parent’s name and telephone number.

Ruth will use her social media accounts to showcase the entries and she will feature the winning designs in her next annual report.

Entries will be judged by Ruth and her team and the judges’ decision is final.

James Faulconbridge
Office Manager to Ruth Edwards MP

Spring Poster Competition

Bird Quiz: Answers

A quiz like this always seems easy - once you see the answers!

I failed to get; Spoonbill, Kittiwake and Toucan. Yet now, they look so easy.

How did you get on?

Once again, thanks to Anne for this quiz.

  1. Pheasant
  2. Curlew
  3. Corn Bunting
  4. Nightingale
  5. Spoonbill
  6. Kittiwake
  7. Toucan
  8. Kingfisher
  9. Nightjar
  10. Waxwing
  11. Nuthatch
  12. Magpie

Lockdown Notes: Day 26: Missing Out

All of us, I feel sure, have experienced the feeling of missing out on what everybody else is doing while we are stuck at home or somewhere else we would rather not be.

When a child, I remember having to be kept off school when an angry rash (can you have a happy rash?) covered my face - or some other illness.

Going to spend days at my Grandma's house was, in many ways, quite pleasant. I would go with armfuls of paper and colouring pencils and look forward to the freedom of making the most of the unexpected free time - but the joy didn't last.

Not having to do difficult lessons was a relief, but what else was I missing? What was being said to the rest of the class that I would never hear? Was some upcoming event being talked about, maybe a day trip? Was it, "hands up those who want to go" - and my arm wasn't even at its desk!

That fear of "missing out" never seems to go.

However, the current emergency that keeps us at home is unlike any other I have experienced in my life. On this occasion, almost all of us are stuck at home and there is nothing out there that we are missing out on: no sport event, music festival, holiday flight, party, shopping trip, or whatever happening. Nobody else out there is having a good time while we are stuck at home which, I suppose, is a sort of relief. A unique event.

And it is not just Britain of course. I have cousins in Poland and the email we had yesterday was little different to one I might have got from cousins in Derby or Lincoln, with descriptions of closed schools, working from home, lockdown at home, making use of the garden, only going out for essential supplies, and so on. We are all, effectively the whole world, in this together.

Sobering, when you recall that the last 4 years have been dominated with arguments about Britain's need/ability to exist independently of other nations.

Strange times indeed.

Tony Jarrow


Euro Football Quiz

Maybe you managed to complete the 'Football Quiz' a week ago and are confident that you know your British football teams. But what about European clubs?

Well, lets find out. Here are 16 European teams to name.

Many thanks to Jamie and Peter for devising this quiz and putting it together. Answers in a few days ...

Tony Jarrow

Euro Team
Euro Team
Euro Team
Euro Team
Euro Team
Euro Team
Euro Team
Euro Team
Euro Team
Euro Team
Euro Team
Euro Team
Euro Team
Euro Team
Euro Team
Euro Team

Nottingham Bus Company Suspends All Operations

CT4N and its parent Nottingham Community Transport have taken the decision to suspend all bus service operations starting Saturday 11th April until further notice.

This includes the following services:

 All Locallink services – L1, L2, L4, L5, L9, L10, L11, L12 & L14
 Medilink
 Easylink
 CT4N services 18, 22, 23, 33, S11 & S16
 East Midlands Gateway Shuttle
 Derbyshire County Council services 14 & 29

CB Parish Council

"Virtual" Competitions at Cropwell Bishop School

We had a fantastic response to the Virtual Decorated Egg and Easter Bonnet competitions from the pupils at Cropwell Bishop Primary School.

Thank you to everyone who entered. All the entries were amazing: I think you will all agree they look lovely and really cheerful.

Below are the winning entries.

Julie Thorpe

Easter Prizes
Decorated Eggs: 1st - Gracie Clifford-Jones, Class 5
Easter Prizes
Decorated Eggs: 2nd - Maisy Gallacher, Class 6
Easter Prizes
Decorated Eggs: 3rd - Josie Herrington, Class 6
Easter Prizes
Easter Bonnet: 1st - Ella Middleton, Class 2
Easter Prizes
Easter Bonnet: 2nd - Carys Alldred-Pasque, Class 2
Easter Prizes
Easter Bonnet: 3rd - Zachary Flint, Class 1

Bird Quiz

You have been challenged by teddies, street names, town names and football teams, but not by birds - until today!

Thanks to Anne for this: answers in a few days.

Tony Jarrow


Rawlings Court says Thank You

Rawlings Court

On behalf of the residents of Rawlings Court in Cropwell Bishop, I want to say a Big Thank You to the Cropwell Bishop Volunteer Group.

The group, which formed in response to the Coronavirus restrictions (see article of 17-3-20 for details), have helped to make our Easter weekend extra special.

Today, a vounteer delivered an easter egg and a loaf of bread to every one of the 33 residents in the flats.

The lockdown restrictions are, of course, affecting everybody but many residents here are less mobile than most and so this gift from the Volunteer Group is especially appreciated.

Residents are also thankful to the people who have volunteered to deliver all Belvoir Health Group medication requests to residents.

These are difficult times for everyone but Cropwell Bishop Volunteers are certainly making life better for us.

Thank you.

David Glyn Jones
Rawlings Court
Cropwell Bishop

Lockdown Notes: Day 22: What day is it?

Day 22? What happened to day 21? What day is it today: Tuesday, Wednesday? That's a problem with lockdown: every day seems the same.

The daily newspaper coming through the letterbox had the day on it, but mine went online years ago. These days, even the daily TV news tends to be the same. The events that make each day of the week unique have, by and large, gone.

If you are going out to work, that won't be true, but those who are having to work from home in front of a monitor are having to operate to a new routine that doesn't follow the familiar timetable of working in the flesh, in a shop, school, coffee-shop, factory, etc.

Sporting events were a guide for many people, whether they played them or watched them: football on Saturday (Match of the Day), long run on Sunday morning, cycle race on Sunday, club-night Monday, longest training run before 2020 London Marathon, next Sunday (no longer true), Park Run on Saturday and children Park Run on Sunday, and so on. At the moment, none of them exist!

So what helps you remember what day it is?

For some, it may a TV programme or a TV series (although after the 6th and final episode, you will be lost again), or maybe the weather forecast (when she says this is "tomorrow's weather" look what day is says - but remember that is tomorrow!).

On my phone my home screen does't help but I can click on my Calendar App.

The most amusing solution I've heard is from one of Hilary's friends: when she takes her daily prescribed medication, her tablets are in a "calendar pack", the next unopened tablet is 'today'! (only those on medication will appreciate this).

So that's Day 22, which is .... let me check, Wednesday. If you want the date, look at the heading of this article.

Tony Jarrow


Here are some photos taken 5 years ago today. The weather in the pictures looks the same as today - but not much else does.

Simpsons Yard
Simpsons Yard
Simpsons Yard
Simpsons Yard (now Stackyard)
Simpsons Yard
The Cabin's portacabin following a fire in the Post Office

Celebration Weekend & Picnic in the Park Cancelled

Due to the current government guidelines around running public events, the Parish Council have made the decision to cancel the Celebration Weekend/Picnic In The Park for July 2020.

These events are enjoyed by our villagers and they will be organised again in the future.

Thank you

Janice Towndrow
Parish Clerk

Cropwell News Cancelled

The Cropwell News for April was due to be published on the 17th April. Due to the current Covid-19 situation this publication will not be produced.

We hope to be able to bring you the June edition but of course we will have to wait and see what the situation is closer to the time.

Thank you

Janice Towndrow
Parish Clerk

Our Children's Rainbow Pictures

Thank you to our many children, both those at home and those in School for the many pictures we have received to brighten up our Village.

There are some photos below of the pictures on display in the village: there are more in the Co-op and in the Butchers.

If you want to do a picture to add to the phone box or a notice board please drop it in the Community Box at The Old School or at 32 Kendal Road (when you are on your daily exercise).

I think you will all agree they look lovely and really cheerful.

Jan Towndrow
Parish Clerk

Rainbow Pictures
Rainbow Pictures
Rainbow Pictures
Rainbow Pictures
Rainbow Pictures
Rainbow Pictures
Rainbow Pictures

Football Quiz: Answers

Here are answers to the Football Quiz that appeared a couple of days ago: how many did you identify?

Jamie and Peter

  1. (Jack) Black/ pool - Blackpool
  2. Crystal Palace
  3. Aston (Merrygold)/ villa- Aston Villa
  4. Shrews/ berry/ town- Shrewsbury Town
  5. Portsmouth
  6. Barns/ Lee (Dixon)- Barnsley
  7. Man/chest/ her/ city- Manchester City
  8. What/ Ford- Watford
  9. Wig/ Anne (Hegerty) /athletic- Wigan Athletic
  10. Press/ ton/ north/ end- Preston North End
  11. Karl (Marx) / Isle/ unite/ Ted (Heath) -Carlisle United
  12. Burn/ Lee (Mack)- Burnley
  13. Chef/ field/ ewe/ knight/ ted- Sheffield United
  14. Fleet/wood/ town- Fleetwood Town
  15. Wick/ ham/ wanderers- Wycombe Wanderers
  16. Old/ ham/athletic- Oldham Athletic
  17. Ox/ ford/ you/ knight/ Ed (Sheeran)- Oxford United

Lockdown Notes: Day 20: Rare Views

A lovely sunset this evening but these photos are most unusual.

Yes, it is a clear sky and, yes, there is a full moon and you can see Venus - but what makes them unusual is that there are no vapour trails in the sky.

In recent days I only recall seeing one plane in the sky (and one helicopter). Strange times ...

Tony Jarrow

Evening Sky
Evening Sky

Football Quiz

Here is something for football fans to get their teeth into. You haven't seen teams play for weeks now, but can you still remember their names - using only pictures to guide you?

Identify the 17 teams below: they all play in England.

Many thanks to Jamie and Peter for devising this quiz and putting it together. Answers in a few days ...

Tony Jarrow

Footbal Team
Footbal Team
Footbal Team
Footbal Team
Footbal Team
Footbal Team
Footbal Team
Footbal Team
Footbal Team
Footbal Team
Footbal Team
Footbal Team
Footbal Team
Footbal Team
Footbal Team
Footbal Team
Footbal Team

Lockdown Notes: Day 19: Interesting Sights

Warm and sunny - pity about the wind but let's make the most of it - at home of course.

Tony Jarrow

Not everyone has to isolate.
That's a plane in the sky.
We seem to have the time to eat better these days.
Too close: better wear face masks!

Fuit and Veg Supplies

I am aware of a couple of companies that are delivering fresh fruit and veg to your door.

Several people have recomended "Kerry's Fresh" ( and "Parsnips and Pears" ( so, if you are running short on supplies, you might want to give them a try.

Tony Jarrow


Lockdown Notes: Day 18: Resisting Temptation

Ordering groceries online is very convenient but some people report that they find themselves ordering far more chocolates, crisps, cakes and gin than they normally do.

That is clearly a very foolish thing to do because at the end of this lockdown you can be certain that the cost of joining Weightwatchers and Slimming World will increase as demand for help skyrockets.

So be sensible and find a strategy for avoiding the temptation to over order these naughty foods.

And when you discovered this strategy, please email me full details: our resolve is faltering!

Tony Jarrow


Kids Hunting For Teddy Bears

A huge teddy bear hunt is happening around the world to help millions of you do something fun with your exercise time.

Stuffed toys are being placed in windows all over the globe to give children a fun and safe game to play whilst walking around their neighbourhoods with parents.

The hunt is thought to be inspired by the children's book "We're Going on a Bear Hunt".

Here is one that was spotted today on Brownhill Close in Cropwell Bishop. He says he will be doing a different activity every day!

Please send me photos of any others you see in the village.

Tony Jarrow


Getting Compost etc Delivered

I have been reliably informed that compost etc., is still available for home delivery from the Handi Center in Bingham and from the East Bridgeford Garden Centre.

One villager ordered from the Garden Centre by phone and another ordered from the Handi Centre by Facebook messenger.

They will both take payment over the phone and drop off your delivery with no contact necessary.

Good to know - especially now the weather is improving.

Tony Jarrow

850 & 852 Bus Changes

From Tuesday 7th April 2020, the Nottsbus Connect Services (which includes Cropwell Bishop 850 & 852 service) will be trialling an "On Demand Service" across the County.

What this means for our residents:-
You will have too book transport for the following day in advance.

How to Book:
Anyone wishing to use the service should call:
0115 804 4699
or email:

Please call/email between 10:00am - 12:00pm Monday to Friday to book transport for the following day.

Janice Towndrow
Parish Clerk

Lockdown Notes: Day 17: Real Concerns?

At the end of each year I have a habit of looking back and wondering if I made the right decision: should I have bought holiday insurance for individual holidays instead of my usual annual policy? At the end of this year the decision will almost certainly be crystal clear: all my holiday insurance for 2020 was a waste of money.

I was relieved to hear that the Government is allowing us to overrun car MOT tests by 6 months. We still must ensure that our cars are safe but at least we can avoid the time and expense involved on something of relatively low priority, after all, how many miles are most of us likely to cover in the next 6 months?

My AA renewal is due in a few weeks: what do I do? I have been a member for over 40 years and the only times I have used it is for a flat battery 25 years ago and for a cracked distributor head on a 1966 Mini during our first holiday tour of Scotland during the very wet summer of 1971.

Over £2000 spent for two call outs! But, of course, what I am really buying is peace of mind, as with all insurances. But this year my use of the car is going to be much, much less than previous years.

Renewing is always annoying anyway - the process is always the same. I get a bill for renewing, far higher than last year's or the amount a new customer has to pay. I then phone up to say I can get just as good cover from Green Flag (or whoever) for less; they transfer me to their manager, who then makes a greatly reduced offer which I accept. A farce and it wastes time. I still have a few weeks to make my decision.

The decision regarding my usual annual subscription for a monthly magazine was made before Christmas but now I have to accept that it will not be as valuable as I had hoped. It is for "Pro Cycling" which previews and reports on all the world's top cycle races - from the Tour de France downwards. An excellent magazine (for me) but what will be in the coming issues? No races are happening, no races are planned; there is nothing to report. No doubt people paying for Sky Sports or BT Sport will have much greater financial regrets.

But, however annoying some of these things might first appear, at the present time they are, in reality, of no significance. No more important than damage to marigolds in the front garden caused by flooding from a burst reservoir dam up the hill. No, most people will face real challenges as a result of this Emergency: trivial difficulties should be ignored.

By the way, I am only aware of one person in the village who appears to have suffered from CoronaVirus - and they have recovered. That's good news.

A distraction: here is a photo from 10 years ago.

Have a nice day.


Tony Jarrow

A Daily Pop Quiz

Pop Pickers

If you liked the Pop Music Quiz which was posted here last week then you ought to check out the Daily Pop Quiz. It's just for fun.

It's on Facebook and is an open group so anyone can join. It's a great way to be in contact with fellow minded pop quiz fans in these difficult times.

This is a fun quiz that tries to appeal to a wide range of ages...from people in their 30s to those in their late 60s.

I produce a variety of questions from a range of eras and styles. I hope to make you think and maybe recall some of the songs of your youth.

Click and go there now:
Pop Pickers Music Questions!

Richard Turner

Lockdown Notes: Day 16: Online Deliveries

We have always done our shopping at supermarkets whose names have only 4 letters - until now. At the start of Lockdown, we decided we would try and avoided going inside any shop. So, the obvioius solution was to shop online and have it delivered.

Our daughter shops online and so do some of our neighbours so signing up with one of the several online suppliers should be a doddle. If you aren't already laughing, it's because you haven't tried to do this yourself during Lockdown.


You haven't seen messages like, "there are 32,480 people before you in the queue". Neither have you reached the point where you have to pick a delivery slot, only to find that every single one during the next week has been filled!

Hilary likes a challenge. She logged into her computer and visited all the online delivery stores and, one by one, she found that they were either, not taking new customers, or had no available delivery slots - except for a couple of stores.


The one she found to be a least busy was one of the more expensive suppliers (hardly surprising) but even it had no delivery slots for the week ahead.

But she thought, if they always show "the next 7 days", then every 24 hours they must add a "new day" - and it would have empty delivery slots. But when does this happen?


Well, she bet is would be midnight, or possibly (but hopefully not) later in the night. The adrenaline was flowing and she overcame here tiredness and waited for midnight.

The plan worked: at midnight a new day appeared on the screen! And we now have a delivery planned for next week.

I cringe at the prices we are paying but we have little choice: I tell myself we are currently "saving" money by not using the car or going out shopping for clothes.

All this excitement over a grocery delivery: sad really, but we will have to have something to talk about when we do eventually end this Lockdown and get back together again with friends and family.

Tony Jarrow

Cities and Towns Quiz: Answers

Here are the answers to the Cities and Towns Quiz that appeared a few days ago: how many did you identify? I imagine there being some groans as the answers are read out!

It's possible that you have come up with an answer that is just as good as one here - if so, give it a tick.

Hilary Jarrow

  1. A colour and some water. (Blackpool)
  2. Changing things about. (Altringham)
  3. Makin' twice as big. (Dublin)
  4. Finished and a river. (Dundee)
  5. Meat and some water. (Liverpool)
  6. Used for dogs. (Leeds)
  7. To fasten to. (Bolton)
  8. A cook and some land. (Sheffield)
  9. A boy's name. (Dudley)
  10. Compass point and a place for ships. (Southport)
  11. You wheel it in the garden. (Barrow)
  12. A sort of jumper. (Cardigan)
  13. A male and a town. (Manchester)
  14. Good for you if its fresh. (Ayre)
  15. It rings and goes quickly. (Belfast)
  16. Not good to eat. (Oldham)
  17. A partner for ivy, and a part of the body. (Holyhead)
  18. Window pane, and to travel. (Glasgow)
  19. An uncut cake. (Nuneaton)
  20. A bottle stopper. (Cork)
  21. Spoilt by a spill. (Staines)
  22. Call the plumber if you have one. (Leek)

Wanted: Your Ideas

We have been posting 'Lockdown Notes', recipes and quizzes for 4 days now and the feedback has been very encouraging. However, we really would like to post some of YOUR thoughts, ideas, tips, whatever.

You could produce a complete article (email the text and any pictures, and I will put it all together) or just send your thoughts/ideas/picture and I will write the article.

We would normally include your name in acknowledgement of your contribution, but if you would rather we didn't, just say so.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Tony and Hilary Jarrow

33 Bus Service Suspended

The Parish Council were notified at 9.52pm yesterday that at the end of today 1st April the 33 bus service will be suspended until further notice due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

This is the statement issued by CT4N last night:-

Unfortunately, the pandemic is not easing and therefore we are now having to take further measures to protect both staff and customers, as outlined in our company statement, which we have released this evening on our website.

I’m sorry that I won’t be able to provide any further information at this moment in time and hope that you understand the reasons as to why we have had to take this decision.

Parish Clerk
Cropwell Bishop Parish Council

Lockdown Notes: Day 15: Jigsaws

Some say that doing jigsaws might be enjoyable but it doesn't achieve anything, so is pointless.

Quite right - just like singing in the shower, playing cards, singing in a choir, watching football, singing in an empty kitchen, watching movies and watching TV. All pointless but enjoyable and harmless, so, if we don't have work to do, lets enjoy them all.

Hilary and I have both been spending time doing jigsaws during Lockdown but in very different ways. I start with a cardboard box with a picture on the front; Hilary starts by switching on her computer.

Jigsaw Planet

She goes to, decides how many pieces she wants to have and chooses a picture - and she remembers to open the settings in the bottom left corner and ticks the option for showing a ghost image of the picture in the background. Then she starts dragging pieces into place. All for free whenever she wants.

Actually, Hilary also signs in, because then she can see a clock ticking to see how long it takes her to finish. She can also see how long other members took and, if she is in the mood, she tries to beat them. Simple, free and good fun. You can even create a jigsaw from your own picture, and then share it with the rest of the world. Give it a go.

I must confess that I prefer the traditional kind of jigsaw, the kind you can walk up to, add a few pieces while you sup your cup of tea, then walk away until another spare moment in the day - or the next day.

You do need a spare table-top in the house and, preferably, not a long-tufted carpet on the floor (searching for missing pieces buried in its tufts will drive you mad).

With the box lid propped up behind the puzzle, the radio playing background music and your cup of tea at arms-reach, you can enjoy pointless pleasure. For a touch of luxury, add a fig biscuit.

For a few days of enjoyment, choose 500 pieces; for a week of pleasure choose 1000 pieces; for pure torture choose a seascape with a big cloudless sky!

Does anyone do the same jigsaw twice? I suppose you can get the same satisfaction once the picture is a distant memory - maybe a year later. Alternatively, you can sell or give the jigsaw and get a new one.

The idea of swapping jigsaws is appealing but the more I think about it, the more convinced I am that it is not workable in the present circumstances. It seems to me that selling and buying on this website is the most convenient and efficient way of "swapping' jigsaws.

Once you have agreed a purchase on the phone (or text or email) you can collect from the buyer's doorstep and leave your money there. No talking, so no possibility of infection.

To get us started I have put a couple of jigsaws on the selling page.

Are you inspired to do something pointless? Well get jigsawing - or start singing around house!

Tony Jarrow

Lockdown-Kitchen Soup

Thanks to Pam for sending in this recipe.

Hilary Jarrow

Cream of Mushroom Soup


  • 1 tbsp chopped onion
  • 1oz butter
  • 4oz mushroom stalks
  • 4oz mushrooms
  • Half pint water
  • Half pint milk
  • 1 chicken stock cube
  • Half ounce flour
  • Salt, pepper

Method (using liquidiser):

  1. Melt the butter in a saucepan and cook the onion for 2 or 3 minutes, stirring.
  2. Wash the mushrooms and stalks and chop them, retaining one or two small ones for garnish.
  3. Add to the saucepan, cover it tightly and cook on low heat until the mushrooms are soft.
  4. Pour into the liquidiser, add the stock cube, the flour, water and milk.
  5. Blend on maximum speed for half a minute.
  6. Pour back into the saucepan, bring to the boil, stirring well.
  7. Boil for 2-3 minutes.
  8. Season to taste and if desired dilute with a little more milk.
  9. Serve with a few slices of mushroom floating in each bowl.
  10. Serves 4-5


Cropwell Sunset

To cheer up people in Cropwell Bishop - a lovely sunset on the last day of March.

Jan Marsh


Lockdown Notes: Day 14: Haircuts?

Day 14, that's 2 weeks completed and now settled into a sort of rhythm.

In the first days, the things you need find answers for, spring quickly to mind: how will you get your food? what foods stocks do you have? what's at the bottom of the freezer (that's less than 3 years old!)? how long will my wash powder last? and so on.

But after a few days, other predicaments come to mind and the solutions are less clear. My problem was I needed a haircut. Close contact with humans would be impossible at the Hair Barn so what could I do?

I did once go 3 months without a haircut without any adverse comments, but fashions looked very different in the 1960s - and so did I! So how was I going to solve this problem?


In the past, I sometimes had a trim all over, a "number 4" or similar, so surely it could not be so difficult to do the same in the kitchen at home. There is not so much hair left to cut these days and, anyway, who would see the result? What could possibly go wrong? Time for a plan.

Hilary agreed to help out (trimming the back of my head might prove difficult for me). An online search revealed a Youtube video showing how to use a trimmer and, after trawling internet sites, I homed in on a suitable, cordless trimmer.

"Useful to know" that it could also be used to trim a beard, which I don't have, or a dog, which I don't have either: so maybe not so useful.

It was still in stock online but 17 had been bought in the previous 48 hours and there were only 45 in stock: this was John Lewis so it must be true (Update: now sold out). I chose the free 5-day delivery and it arrived in 2.

Mission accomplished. Hilary is now a fully trained hairdresser (thanks Youtube) and I have a wonderfully trimmed head of hair!

Let's not be silly, but it does mean my hair looks respectable (-ish) - at least from the front: I haven't seen the back yet. Still, good enough for FaceTime and Zoom if I don't twist around.

So, my hair cutting for Lockdown is solved; now what about Hilary's hair .......

Tony Jarrow

Quiz: Cities and Towns in the British Isles

How well do you know the British Isles? Can you identify these places? Some are quite easy but a few are really demanding (only by saying the name out-loud reveals it as the right answer!).

Answers in a few days.

Hilary Jarrow

  1. A colour and some water
  2. Changing things about
  3. Makin' twice as big
  4. Finished and a river
  5. Meat and some water
  6. Used for dogs
  7. To fasten to
  8. A cook and some land
  9. A boy's name
  10. Compass point and a place for ships
  11. You wheel it in the garden
  12. A sort of jumper
  13. A male and a town
  14. Good for you if its fresh
  15. It rings and goes quickly
  16. Not good to eat
  17. A partner for ivy, and a part of the body
  18. Window pane, and to travel
  19. An uncut cake
  20. A bottle stopper
  21. Spoilt by a spill
  22. Call the plumber if you have one

Lockdown-Kitchen Soup

Thanks to Shona for sending in this recipe.

Hilary Jarrow

Spiced Moroccan Soup


  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 large onion, diced
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 2 tsp ground coriander
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika
  • 2 tsp ground cumin
  • 2 Co-op sweet pointed peppers, diced
  • 400g can chopped tomatoes
  • 100g dried red split lentils
  • 1 large sweet potato, peeled and diced
  • ½ x 160g pack sliced curly kale


  1. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion for 3-4 mins, until softened
  2. Stir in the cinnamon, coriander, paprika and cumin, season, then cook for 2 mins
  3. Add the peppers, tomatoes and 600ml boiling water, then bring to a simmer
  4. Carefully transfer to a slow cooker set on medium, then stir in the lentils and sweet potato. Cook for 25 mins.
  5. When you’re ready to serve, bring a pan of water to the boil and cook the kale for 1 minute, then drain well
  6. Serve the soup topped with the kale and a grind of black pepper.


Cropwell Bishop Street Quiz - Part 2 Answers

Here are answers to the second Street Quiz: did you manage to get them all?

By the way, I understand that the Street map of Cropwell Bishop has been updated and can now be viewed by clicking the Maps tab. Pity it wasn't available last week!

Hilary Jarrow

  1. A colour and a large mound. (Brownhill)
  2. Wyatt Earp was one of these. (Marshall)
  3. Wollaton & Wiverton have one. (Hall)
  4. Rearrange .... "SNIVAL". (Salvin)
  5. Garden tool + a small recess. (Hoe Nook)
  6. Gracie and W. C. had this name (take off the s). (Field)
  7. Could be paper/steel or textile. (Mill)
  8. Perhaps where the barley was taken. (Maltings)
  9. Housebuilder or our own famous cobbler. (Barratt)
  10. Country gentlemen. (Squires)
  11. A nonflowering vascular plant - it has triangular fronds that uncoil upward. (Fern)
  12. St. Giles' own street - think carefully! (Church)
  13. Named after our church and a Cathedral in Edinburgh. (St Giles)
  14. Rearrange ... "ERKRS". (Kerrs)
  15. Found on the beach + a weight. (Shelton)
  16. Ballet dancers use this + not high. (Barlows)
  17. A pile + 36 inches. (Stackyard)

Bins Out By 6.30am

Residents are being asked to leave their bins out for 6.30am on collection day to help our waste crews ensure everyone’s bins are collected as normal.

Bin collection

Our refuse collection teams are now working longer hours to help make sure essential frontline services continue, despite the ongoing COVID-19 situation.

Teams will be visiting properties from the new time each morning in a bid to collect the increasing tonnes of waste produced by households, as people follow government advice and stay at home.

Our Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety Cllr Rob Inglis said: “We’re requesting that residents make sure their bins are available for collection earlier until further notice, as our teams adapt to growing demands on our waste collection services.

“Despite the challenges of the current COVID-19 situation, our teams are continuing to show resilience and determination in fulfilling their roles and delivering an essential service for residents throughout the Borough.

“Please help our waste teams to collect your grey, blue and green bins as normal.”

While some collections in Rushcliffe have been rescheduled to meet demand in recent days, we’re reassuring households that their bins will still be collected as soon as possible.

Thank you

Cropwell Bishop Parish Council

Lockdown Notes: Day 13: Zoom

Many of you will have used Skype or FaceTime to talk to family and friends face-to-face on your computer, tablet or phone.

To be honest, I was never a fan of these apps, partly because faces always looked unreal and drab (well, at least, mine did!). I have since learned to get the lighting right beforehand: facing a well lit window (but not direct sunlight) makes a massive difference. Your face will be evenly lit and the background dark: great.

Keeping in touch with someone this way is great during the present time, but what do you do if you would like to have a discussion with several people at once?

A couple of weeks ago, the Cropwell Bishop Allotment Committee (6 of us) faced this problem. We wanted to discuss things but did not want to risk close contact. Sitting 3m apart in a big room did not appeal.

Luckily, a possible solution appeared to me the day before. My daughter and her husband were both confined to working from home sitting in front of their laptop. They were having conferences with other wokers in Britain and France using an app called "Zoom".

I googled Zoom, clicked on and signed up for free.

In the menu at the top, I clicked on 'Plans and Pricing' and discovered that we could use this software for free, the main limitation being that our group meeting (of no more than 100 participants!) could last only 40 mins. It looked promising.

The site had help pages and videos to guide new users, so I gave it a go.

I schuduled our first meeting for the next day. Zoom produces an "invitation" that I was able to copy and paste into emails to the other 5. This invite included a link which both downloaded the necessary app onto the user's device and set them up at the meeting.

I had anticipated that this first get-together would be used get used to the set-up and resolve problems. However, in spite of us using a range of devices and systems, the only problem we encountered was locating the button for video; that was resolved in 30 seconds.


In fact, we had 30 minutes to spare so we went ahead and had our meeting there and then - and it worked really well.

Those with a desktop/laptop computer viewed a grid of 6 similar-sized smiling faces! A phone would show no more than 4 at once: you could swipe to see the others.

Within minutes, the novelty of communicating this way was almost forgotten and we got down to business and had our meeting.

Before setting up the Allotment Meeting, I trialled Zoom with my daughter and grandchildren (aged 12 & 9) each on their own device - and Hilary too on a laptop. It was easy and fun. We could just as easily have had a meeting with family members living all over the country/world.

You may have seen Boris Johnson having an online conference with his cabinet after he went into isolation: they were using Zoom too.

If you can see a use for this software then I recommend you give it a go.

Tony Jarrow

Lockdown-Kitchen Soup

Thanks to Sarah for sending in this recipe.

Hilary Jarrow

Broccoli and Stilton soup


  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • ½ onion, chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, chopped
  • 100g/3½oz broccoli florets, blanched
  • 150ml/4½fl oz hot vegetable stock
  • 50g/1½oz Stilton
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper


  1. Heat the oil in a frying pan, then add the onion and garlic and fry until softened.
  2. Add the broccoli and the stock and simmer for 8-10 minutes.
  3. Add the Stilton and season, to taste, with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
  4. Allow to cool slightly, then transfer to a food processor and blend until smooth.
  5. To serve, pour into a warm bowl.


Lockdown Notes: Day 12

It was on Tuesday 17th March that we decided that we would go into "lockdown". It seems like months ago, so much has happened, yet it is just 12 days.

I am not sure I would have known the meaning of the word just a couple of months ago but now, to us, it means we have no close contact with anyone. The closest we have been to other humans is the postman - when he stood 4m back as I picked up the parcel he had left on the doorstep, and our daughter who stood way back as we collected the online shopping she had bought.

It was all so surreal at first: was it really happening? But now we seem to have settled into a sort of routine. It might be useful for us to share our experiences, tips and thoughts as we travel this strange journey together: also share some laughs. When you feel ready, email me with yours.

Our first step was to avoid visiting the Health Centre for medications. We requested a home delivery and a few days later it was delivered to our doorstep. We have since been sent a text telling us that medication will now be delivered to all patients in Cropwell Bishop over 70. That's great: friends in the city have not been so well looked after so far.

Deliveries Notice

I put a notice on the door for delivery people but within days it was clear that they had all been instructed what to do. I had wondered how they would cope with signatures but was told that they would simply write CV19, or similar, instead.

What about home deliveries of food? Having always bought from supermarkets in the flesh, we thought we would sign up with one. I am sure many of you are laughing at that! No chance for weeks. Luckily our daughter is a regular customer so can add things to her order.

Delieries Notice

And what about seeing family - well I will tell you about that next time.

Enjoy this little poster: I think its meaning goes beyond the cleaning.

Tony Jarrow

Lockdown-Kitchen Soup

As we all settle into the routine of isolation, are you getting fed up with having sandwiches every day for lunch?

Why not make a soup instead - it will fill your stomach and help fill your day. Perhaps we could start a ‘soup recipe exchange’. Email yours to and we will publish it online for everyone to enjoy.

Hilary Jarrow

Here’s one to get started ...

Leek and potato soup
- serves 4 with a chunk of bread.


  • 4 medium size leeks (you can get away with 3)
  • 50g/2oz of butter
  • 4 small potatoes
  • 150ml/quarter pint of water
  • 600ml/1 pint of chicken stock
  • Salt and Pepper
  • 150ml/quarter pint of cream (got no cream? - I have found it is fine without)


  1. Wash and trim leeks and chop into small pieces, using both white and green parts.
  2. Melt butter in a saucepan and add leeks. Cover pan and reduce heat so that leeks cook slowly without browning; for about 5 minutes. Shake pan occasionally.
  3. Meanwhile peel potatoes and cut into small cubes.
  4. Add potatoes to leeks with water and stock.
  5. Season to taste
  6. Bring to boil, cover pan and simmer for 25 minutes.
  7. Sieve or liquidise soup.
  8. Add cream (if using). Re-heat, but do not boil.


Cropwell Bishop Street Quiz - Part 2

Here is the second "Street Quiz".

The answers are some of the Streets/Roads/Closes/Drives etc. in Cropwell Bishop.

Answers in a few days (the answers to the first quiz are at the bottom).

Hilary Jarrow

  1. A colour and a large mound.
  2. Wyatt Earp was one of these.
  3. Wollaton & Wiverton have one.
  4. Rearrange .... "SNIVAL".
  5. Garden tool + a small recess.
  6. Gracie and W. C. had this name (take off the s).
  7. Could be paper/steel or textile.
  8. Perhaps where the barley was taken.
  9. Housebuilder or our own famous cobbler.
  10. Country gentlemen.
  11. A nonflowering vascular plant - it has triangular fronds that uncoil upward.
  12. St. Giles' own street - think carefully!
  13. Named after our church and a Cathedral in Edinburgh.
  14. Rearrange ... "ERKRS".
  15. Found on the beach + a weight.
  16. Ballet dancers use this + not high.
  17. A pile + 36 inches.

Answers to Part 1 of the Street Quiz.

  1. A cube and a water source perhaps.(Stockwell)
  2. An ancient King. (Mercia)
  3. The Rolling Stones have one of these. (Richards)
  4. Get your herb cake from here. (Kendal)
  5. It could be black, silver or perhaps gold. (Smiths)
  6. It could be straw or black and very fresh. (Newberry)
  7. A pair of shoes or Kenneth? (Clarke)
  8. Was Unready when born in 968. Take off the red and add ‘dene’. (Etheldene)
  9. Nelson's favourite kiss. (Hardys)
  10. Yorkshire delight or no traffic wardens here. (Parkin)
  11. Garden implement + vista. (Hoe View)
  12. Could mend your barrel. Perhaps a mini. (Cooper)
  13. Plodding horse. (Dobbin)
  14. Just rearrange .... "BRUTHLY". (Thurlby)
  15. Sailors do good ones + sound of a bell + boiled pig. (Nottingham)
  16. Source of water and open spaces perhaps. (Springfield)
  17. Built on the site of Cropwell Bishop garage in the 1980's. (Old Lenton)

Rainbow Pictures Wanted!

Pictures wanted

Cropwell Bishop Street Quiz - Part 1

A Quiz for everyone to have a go at (instead of thinking about other things ...)

The answers are some of the Streets/Roads/Closes/Drives etc. in Cropwell Bishop. The rest of the 'streets' will be in "Street Quiz - Part 2".

Answers in a few days.

Hilary Jarrow

  1. A cube and a water source perhaps.
  2. An ancient King.
  3. The Rolling Stones have one of these.
  4. Get your herb cake from here.
  5. It could be black, silver or perhaps gold.
  6. It could be straw or black and very fresh.
  7. A pair of shoes or Kenneth?
  8. Was Unready when born in 968. Take off the red and add ‘dene’.
  9. Nelson's favourite kiss.
  10. Yorkshire delight or no traffic wardens here.
  11. Garden implement + vista.
  12. Could mend your barrel. Perhaps a mini.
  13. Plodding horse.
  14. Just rearrange .... "BRUTHLY".
  15. Sailors do good ones + sound of a bell + boiled pig.
  16. Source of water and open spaces perhaps.
  17. Built on the site of Cropwell Bishop garage in the 1980's.

Old School Closed

Cropwell Bishop


As of today the 19th March 2020, The Old School will be closed for all events and classes. This decision has been taken following government guidelines regarding COVID-19 and for the safety of all our residents.

The Parish Clerk will still be working at the office. If anyone needs to see the Clerk please go to the office door at the rear of the building knock on the door and then stand back 3 paces.

Janice Towndrow
Parish Clerk

Coronavirus Community Help: Cropwell Bishop

Cropwell Bishop

Are you unable to leave your home because of Coronavirus (Covid 19)? Or are you an older person or someone with disability or impairment who needs someone to run errands – shopping or pick up a prescription etc? Do you just want a friendly voice to talk to if you’re feeling isolated? We can and want to help!

We are a group of residents of Cropwell Bishop who are coming together to help out in the community during a time where some people are experiencing difficulty in accessing what they need due to concern about getting ill.

We would like to support the community that we live in and ensure that nobody is left isolated, worried or without what they need.

We won’t ask anything of you in return, we just believe in helping each other in a time of difficulty. We are linked to the parish council.

If you would like to speak to us, or want to ask for help, please text or phone one of the following people from the village who will gladly arrange help for you:

  • Jo Wroughton, parish councillor: 07891 694541
  • Jan Towndrow, parish clerk: 07798 735757
  • Jane Miller: 07815 699878
  • Sara Marshall: 07764 254850
  • Neil Chadborn: 07754 897024
  • Rachael Halpin: 0115 9892755
  • Carol Halpin: 0115 9890366

All of our volunteers have been advised on how to help you safely.

Please contact us - we don’t want anyone to feel alone.

Cropwell Bishop Parish Council

Coronavirus: Expert Advice

Cropwell Bishop

Here is some advice from doctors and health experts on how to reduce the risk of catching coronavirus, and how to deal with it if you or someone you know has it.

How can I prepare?

  • Make sure you have enough paracetamol, aspirin, lemsip, or other medicine in your home in case you aren’t able to go out for a week or two.
  • Have a back-up supply of cleaning products that you can use to disinfect your home.
  • Keep a sufficient amount of food so that you and the people in your home won’t go hungry if you have to self-isolate.
  • Arrange with someone you know who lives nearby to look after each other in case one of you gets sick.

What should I do to keep my home safe?

  • Clean surfaces, light switches, door handles, and taps at least once a day with household detergent.
  • Wash your hands as soon as you arrive home, and make sure people who visit you do the same. Also wash hands before eating, after using a tissue, after using the toilet, and if you need to touch another person.
  • Try to keep gatherings of people to a minimum - this might mean cancelling a birthday party, Sunday lunch, or other occasions where you would usually be in a room with other people.

What should I do when I’m out and about?

  • If you feel even mildly ill, or have been in contact recently with someone else who has become ill, avoid leaving the house, or going to public places.
  • Keep a distance of at least a metre from other people in public.
  • Always use a tissue to cover your mouth/nose when coughing.
  • Avoid shaking hands, hugging, kissing, or bodily contact with other people.

What should I do if I start to feel ill?

  • Stay at home: avoid work, pubs, cinemas, gyms or other public places where large groups of people gather.
  • Maintain social distance - avoid coming closer than two metres or so from other people.
  • Self-isolate. This means staying in a separate room from other people, and avoiding any direct contact with them wherever possible.
  • If possible, use a separate bathroom to the other people in your home, and disinfect it with a bleach based cleaning product every day.
  • If your symptoms get worse, or you start to feel difficulty breathing, contact a doctor.

All of these suggestions work: we can help limit the impact of coronavirus if we act now and act together!

Cropwell Bishop Parish Council

Cropwell Bishop News Pop Quiz & Answers

Make the most of your spare time by taking part in a Pop Quiz put together by our own Richard Turner ....

It's a bit like ANSWER SMASH on Richard Osman's House of Games...insert one word which will complete one song and start another eg." A Hard Days Fever" would be "A Hard Days Night Fever". Can you name the artists as well?

  1. You'll Never Walk Again (Naturally)
  2. Everlasting Hangover
  3. Devil In Love
  4. Stayin' And Kicking
  5. Ma Street
  6. Back For Times
  7. Your Love Is Creole
  8. Save The Best For Christmas
  9. The Lady In Light Spells Danger
  10. Heaven Is A Place On Song
  11. That'll Be The Tripper

Richard Turner

Answers .....

  1. You'll Never Walk Alone Again (Naturally) (Gerry and the Pacemakers/Gilbert O'Sullivan)
  2. Everlasting Love Hangover (Love Affair/Diana Ross)
  3. Devil Woman In Love (Cliff Richard/Barbra Streisand or Three Degrees)
  4. Stayin' Alive And Kicking (Bee Gees/Simple Minds)
  5. Ma Baker Street (Boney M/Gerry Rafferty)
  6. Back For Good Times (Take That/Chic)
  7. Your Love Is King Creole (Sade/Elvis Presley)
  8. Save The Best For Last Christmas (Vanessa Williams/Wham!)
  9. The Lady In Red Light Spells Danger (Chris De Burgh/Billy Ocean)
  10. Heaven Is A Place On Earth Song (Belinda Carlisle/Michael Jackson)
  11. That'll Be The Day Tripper (Buddy Holly/Beatles)

Government Makes Decision on Allotment "Exercise"

For more details click on the Allotment tab.

How Will Prime Minister's Rules Affect Allotments?

How will the latest rules on isolation and 'Social Distancing' affect members of Cropwell Bishop's Allotment Society? Click on the Allotments tab to find out.

Tony Jarrow


Coronavirus - Notts County Council Advice


To help keep Nottinghamshire residents informed during the coronavirus outbreak, we have created a new page with all the latest advice and information.

From information about the virus including advice on prevention and symptoms, to the latest figures and updates from Public Health England.

These pages will be regularly updated so please check back for updates.

To view the pages click on:

View Coronavirus Guidance

Notts County Council

833 Bus Disruption

833 Bus Disruption

"Jeeves & Wooster" Cancelled

The Parish Council has decided to cancel the 'Live & Local' event, "Jeeves & Wooster", which was due to take place on the 5th April at The Old School.

Refunds are available from the Parish Clerk at the Old School Council Office between 10am and 2pm, weekdays.

Saturday Cafe Cancelled

The Parish Council has deccided to cancel the Saturday Cafe which was due to be held at The Old School on 28th March.

"Judy" Film Postponed

The Parish Council has decided to postpone the showing of the film, "Judy", which was due to be shown this Friday.

A future date will be arranged for which tickets will be valid. Alternatively, refunds are available from me at the Old School Council Office between 10am and 2pm, weekdays.

Janice Towndrow
Parish Clerk

Stay at Home for 12 Weeks!

Cropwell Bishop

News reports today suggest that in the near future, the Government may well be asking people over 70 years old to stay at home - for 12 weeks. This, of course, is in response to the spread of coronavirus which appears to be having a more severe effect on elderly people.

If the Government does indeed make this request then some over-70s in Cropwell Bishop may well pretend they are under-70 and carry on dancing, running and rock climbing regardless; but some will be very concerned - even frightened.

Living in a city with numerous neighbours just a few steps away can be more lonely than living spread apart in a village. That is the common belief, but in the coming months we may have to prove that Cropwell Bishop is indeed a place where no one is forgotten.

Imagine a person living alone running out of food or medication, or a couple having the virus at the same time. Once you go down with a flu-like virus or pneumonia, your ability to think and act is seriously impaired and you are less likely to ask for help.

Most people will manage to cope with problems caused by coronavirus but those who can't will need help. They may need medication from the surgery, milk from the Co-op, cheese from the Creamery, a snack from the cob-shop or sausages from Gary Jowett.

Maybe they will want to arrange a delivery of groceries, but have never placed an order online before - or even gone online.

At present we don't have a village plan, but in the coming weeks we no doubt will. I will report back once I have more information and you can expect further details in the next issue of Cropwell News.

Tony Jarrow

Coronavirus Affects "Growers and Gardeners"

As you are all aware by now Covid-19 is sweeping the globe and quickly effecting more of our daily lives. With this it is with deep regret that the team are having to announce the cancellation of Monday’s meeting .

Please do not be alarmed, this is simply because our speaker has underlying health conditions, and therefore a high risk and he has decided it is in his safest interest to cancel.

As much as we would love to carry on with a stiff upper lip, come up with some fun games and still meet on Monday night, we believe we have a responsibility, not only to the members of the group, but as a community to take caution around the spread of the disease. We hope you all understand the reasoning behind this and support the team in their decision.

We will obviously be closely monitoring the situation over the coming weeks, and we hope to be emailing this time next month, without a recollection of the virus and communicating that the meeting will be going ahead and complaining about too much sunshine. Here’s hoping.

Of course this means we miss out on a talk this month. This is where the power of digital comes in. Keep your eyes peeled as the team are working on sharing something for us to get involved in, but obviously we are weaving this in and around our daily jobs.

In the meantime, we hope you can get in your gardens and start preparing for the growing year, and please, if anybody is struggling in their gardens due to illness or travel restrictions etc. drop the group an email and I’m sure we can find someone to help out.

Please take care

Cropwell Bishop Growers and Gardeners

Lion Hunting


The body parts of lions killed in gruesome hunts are being bought and imported into our country as ‘hunting trophies’. To hunt these beautiful animals for fun is inhumane and wrong - but it’s also contributing to the rapid decline of lion numbers. That’s why I’m calling on lion trophy hunting imports to be banned immediately.

Please sign my petition calling on the UK to immediately ban imports of Lion trophies. Click on:

Ban imports of Lion trophies

and sign the petition.

Thank you.

Alan Wilson
Cropwell Bishop

Gary Jowett Voucher for January Quiz Winner

Congratulations to Peter Hills who has won the January 'Cropwell Bishop News' Quiz.
Peter's entry was drawn out of the "hat of correct entries" at the Parish Council meeting at the Old School last night.
Peter wins a £20 voucher for Gary Jowett's Butchers — donated by The Parish Council.

Find out how many questions you got right: here are the answers:

1. What route did Richard Booth take? ..... 66 (page 33)

2. What miniature baby will be on trial in 2020? .....Beauvale cheese (Page 24)

3. Old Contemptibles in which tournament? ..... Triangular (Page 26)

4. Julia Robertson is what? ..... Massage therapist (Page 14)

5. Millennium Fire Ltd will sponsor what? ..... Cropwell Cricket Club (Page 26)

6. In Thailand how many children were made very happy? ..... 94 (Page 6)

7. Jacques Lacey’s grandfather worked where? ..... Gypsum (Page 2)

8. Who provided After Eights for the Xmas Party? ..... CKOB (Page 4)

9. Who makes the party happen? ..... Kiriki Club (Page 10)

10. The King and Queen of England will be visiting where? ..... Downton Abbey (Page 12)

11. Mickey Deans was husband number what? ..... 5 (Page 13)

12. Beeswax wraps are a great alternative for? ..... Cling film (Page 22)

13. What time can you pick up a book from Shelton Gardens? ...... 11.45am – 12.00 (Page 38)

14. Ali Campbell is lead singer for? ..... UB40 (Page 30)

15. Dr Ian Bedford has appeared in whose World? ..... Gardeners (Page 8)

16. VE Day is when? ..... 8th May (Page 28)

Hilary Jarrow
Cropwell Bishop News

So Smooth

Our Nottingham Road has been beautifully resurfaced and is now fully open - just as planned.

Photo by Colin Bryan.

Nottingham Road

Adverse Weather and Flooding

From Rushcliffe Borough Council: help and advice ...

In the early hours of Sunday 16th February the East Midlands and Rushcliffe in particular saw continuous heavy rainfall across the area. As the ground was already ‘super saturated’ the run off from land, fields and gardens was much increased and therefore water courses and rivers responded far quicker than usual. As a result, many communities were severely impacted by surface water flooding on 16th February and flood warnings were issued for waterside homes on the Soar, Smite and the Trent.

Following a significant response by the Borough Council dealing with over 150 sandbag requests, opening places of safety, deploying our rapid response team in the immediate aftermath etc we are now in the recovery phase working with multi-agency partners including voluntary agencies to support our communities and businesses affected by the recent flooding. The communities currently known to have been most severely impacted with homes internally flooded are as follows;

  • Tollerton (Tollerton Lane and Cotgrave Lane)
  • Gotham
  • Bingham
  • Sutton Bonington
  • Radcliffe on Trent
  • Cropwell Butler
  • East Leake
  • Ruddington
  • Rempstone
  • Colston Bassett
  • Cotgrave

We are also sharing information on flooded homes with both the Environment Agency and Nottinghamshire County Council who are the lead flood authority and their flood risk team will be carrying out a number of Section 19 reports in the coming months. More details of what these reports cover can be found from the link below

Flooding Reports

Due to the severity of the flooding across the whole country central government has once again released a range of financial assistance to affected communities. We have set up a dedicated flood recovery support website page and have been contacting residents that we are aware have internally flooded to highlight the financial assistance available.

Flood Recovery Support

With the ground still saturated and rivers still ready to respond quickly I wanted to remind you of how the Council can help as part of the overall arrangements that are in place to respond to such incidents.

With any flooding the importance of being prepared is of paramount importance and so communities in areas that are high risk of flooding should be encouraged to improve their resilience by following the really useful advice and guidance that can be downloaded from the Environment Agency website. The site also includes how residents can sign up to receive warning information about potential river flooding events.

However the very nature of these storms and surface water flooding is that the event is sudden and unpredictable and can often affect communities and homes that have not been flooded before. As a result this can mean that the Council may not be able to respond as quickly as it usually does in flooding events that have greater prior warning such as river flooding. Notwithstanding this situation the Council is prepared and remains committed to supporting communities that may experience flooding in a number of ways including;

• Provision of sandbags to protect living accommodation - The Council has a finite number of sandbags to support our communities but all requests will be prioritised according to a county wide protocol. This will take into account factors such as the current risk, vulnerable people in the property etc. It should be noted that the Council does not provide sandbags to protect outbuildings and gardens or any type of commercial property. In addition, the Council cannot provide any pumps to help with the removal of floodwater from properties.

• Community flood resilience stores – The Council has a grant scheme in place to support communities in establishing flood resilience stores to enable sandbags and flood protection equipment to be immediately available. (It is not for flood alleviation works ) The scheme is open to all Parish/ Town Councils and West Bridgford Local Area Forum. Priority will be given to those communities that have previously experienced river or surface water flooding: The total funding will be allocated based on risk and grants are available up to a maximum of £1050. (Subject to available funds)

• Provision of temporary accommodation –Residents are encouraged where possible to make their own arrangements with friends and family or through their insurance provision so that we can prioritise our resources to the vulnerable who may be unable to help themselves.

• Provision of advice and information – Along with the Environment Agency the Council provides pre and post flooding advice and information on our website.

• Community Support – If there is widespread flooding the Council will play a significant role in supporting a multi-agency response which will include blue light services through helping the community with rest centre provision and a range of other services.

• Residents worried about future insurance costs -FLOOD RE is an insurance scheme that makes flood cover more widely available and affordable as part of your insurance. The Flood Re pool is funded through an industry-backed levy. All UK household insurers have to contribute to the levy, creating a fund that can be used to pay for claims for people in high risk homes. The scheme provides a cap on flood insurance premiums linked to property council tax bands. Only houses built before 2009 are included in the scheme.

Some important contact details for the community to be aware of are listed below;

Rushcliffe BC – 0115 981 9911 (For all sandbag service requests and information)

Rushcliffe BC – 0115 981 1143 (Out of hours for emergencies)

Nottinghamshire County Council –0300 500 80 80. (This number can be used to report blocked culverts or drainage problems or issues related to the highway)

I hope this helps in supporting your local communities with appropriate advice and information.

David Banks
Executive Manager Neighbourhoods
Rushcliffe Borough Council

Scottish Wildcats

Scottish Wildcat: only 35 Left!

The Scottish Wildcat is one of the rarest animals in the world; there are only 35 of them left on earth. A third of them live in the publicly owned Clashindarroch Forest in the Scottish Highlands, but they are in danger from logging by the Scottish Government’s Forestry Commission Scotland. If this doesn’t stop immediately, the wildcat will become extinct.

Filamaker, Steve Piper, set up the website, "Wildcat Haven" to alert the world of the threat to these animals and launched a petition. By the end of 2019, it had 511,000 signatures. They want to to take the campaign forward with legal action.

Wildcat Haven have found 13 wildcats in this forest. It is their last and only known major stronghold and breeding site. But logging is taking place in the middle of kitten season, disturbing wildcat mothers, which could make them abandon or even eat their young.

The logging will tear the wildcat population apart, and threaten many other rare animals that live in the forest alongside them.

You can sign the petition urgently calling on the Scottish Government to immediately halt the logging and exploitation of Clashindarroch Forest to ensure the iconic Scottish wildcat survives. 'Voice' your concern by signing he petition: go to the Wildcat Haven website and sign their petition.

I am supporting this appeal: will you join me?

Alan Wilson
Cropwell Bishop

Step Two: Lay The Tarmac

This same scene at 3.15pm Sunday afternoon: amazing progress. You could feel the heat being given off by the road. However, in the opposite direction up towards the Memorial Hall, progress will be slower because they are going to dig deeper before laying the tarmac (so I was told by a workman).

Nottm Road Works

This morning it was also very busy down near the Wheatsheaf and Mill Lane (those photos by Colin Bryan).

Nottm Road Works
Nottm Road Works

Step One: Off With The Old

This was the scene on Nottingham Road at 11.45am this Sunday morning.

Nottm Road Works

Ready Made Lake

The heavy rains over the weekend caused flooding everywhere but Cropwell Bishop suffered less than most. This field at the bottom of Church Street appears to have its own lake. Thankfully there are no houses there .... at the moment.

Picture by Colin Bryan.

Flooded field on Church Street


My Notts App

I am pleased to share with you the news that Nottinghamshire County Council’s mobile phone app – ‘MyNotts’ – is now available for residents to download.

The MyNotts app will make it quicker, easier, and more convenient for local people to access council services. Residents can use the app to:

  • Receive updates on school closures, check when school holidays are, and apply for school places
  • Report highways issues, including potholes, faulty streetlights, and overgrown vegetation
  • Find their closest Household Waste & Recycling Centre, and see what can be taken there
  • Access information about care services offered by Nottinghamshire County Council
  • See which events are happening in their local area and our three country parks
  • Keep up to date with news from across Nottinghamshire

This is only the first phase of the app’s development. We would welcome feedback on areas of improvement, which you can provide directly via the app’s ‘Feedback’ section.

If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can download the app from the Apple App Store.

If you have an Android phone (including Samsung, LG, Google, Nokia, and other models), you can download the app here

Councillor Kay Cutts MBE
Leader of the Council

Cropwell Bishop Beat Surgeries

A drop-in opportunity to meet local police and discuss local community issues.
The Beat surgery will be held at The Old School on the following days:

Thursday 6th February 2.00pm – 3.00pm
Wednesday 20th February 10.00am – 11.00am
Thursday 5th March 2.00pm – 3.00pm
Wednesday 11th March 10.00am – 11.00am
Thursday 2nd April 2.00pm – 3.00pm

Jan Towndrow
Parish Clerk

Old School

Bottle Tops ...

Bottle Tops

Wild Weather

Well, the weather forecasters did say that we might get rain, hail and snow today - and we did!


Kiriki Club in Concert

Another storming night of “outstanding” entertainment at The Old School.

The Kiriki Club played and performed their own music and brought their own unique style to favourites from Nat King Cole to The Eurythmics.

Kiriki Club
Kiriki Club

Many of our guests travelled quite a distance to see the band and enjoyed Cropwell Bishop hospitality.

Great band, great music, great food and great fun. A fantastic night out in our own village. Why not come along to the next event and give it a try.

Look out for upcoming events on the Village Websites, Notice Boards and the Cropwell News.

Many thanks to the Cropwell Entertainment Committee for all their hard working putting together another fabulous event – Great Job Well Done.

Carpet Bowls

If you would like to have a go at 'carpet bowls', you only have to go to our neighbouring village.

Cropwell Butler Carpet Bowls Club meets on Tuesday afternoons at its Village Hall, Cropwell Butler from 2 - 4 pm.

New members are very welcome and all equipment is provided.

Why not go along for some gentle exercise and good company?

For more details contact:
Jim Besson - phone 0115 933 4735

Tony Jarrow

Pulling Together

Bell ringers at their Wednesday morning practice at St Giles Church.
(photo by Mel Stanley)

Bell Ringers

Yard Guard

Stackyard Close on Church Street now looks to be finished and ready for occupation: meanwhile, Bob the dog keeps guard.
(photo by Colin Bryan)

Tony Jarrow


"CHILD AID' - Cropwell Bishop Style"

In October, Sue and Ed Ward made a concerted effort to raise money to buy Christmas presents for children at the school and kindergarten in Thailand that they established close contact with over the years.

You, the villagers of Cropwell Bishop, helped raise over £500 at the Saturday Cafe in the Old School. Sue and Ed are now able to tell you the effect of your generosity .....

Happy New Year and a big thank you for your very generous contributions: you have made 94 children very Happy.

In addition to the presents, we bought some play equipment for the Kindergarten. It had a large room but, apart from a television and a few soft toys, it was empty.

We bought 2 tent tunnels and a pit of soft balls; two mini play kitchens and two trikes.

I will send you photos.

Sue and Ed xx

And here are the photos of the kindergarten and school that they sent.

Tony Jarrow


105 Cropwell Bishop Homes Have No Toilet!

The news item below appeared in the Nottingham Evening Post and is a sad reflection of life for most people in Cropwell Bishop.

Thanks to Jonathan Good for spotting the article and for details of when it was first published.

1949 news item
1949 news item

Gary Jowett Voucher for November Quiz Winner

Congratulations to Karen O'Hara who has won the November 'Cropwell Bishop News' Quiz.
Her entry was drawn out of the "hat of 30+ correct entries" at the Parish Council meeting at the Old School this evening.
Karen wins a £20 voucher for Gary Jowett's Butchers — donated by The Parish Council.

Find out how many questions you got right: here are the answers:

1. Which quiz was won by a team from Cotgrave? ..... Pop Quiz (page 4)

2. Dave Moylan is a? ..... Comedy Magician (Page 33)

3. 300bt is how much in pounds and pence? ..... £7.70 (Page 2)

4. Who launched Bee Cause? ..... Friends of the Earth (Page 30)

5. The Friary was donated how many tonnes of food and clothes last winter? ..... 12 (Page 7)

6. Whose Tea Party might you get frozen at? ..... Elsa's (Page 14)

7. Who is CB WI's longest serving member? ..... Maureen Wilkinson (Page 9)

8. The Fireworks raised how much? ..... £402.70 (Page 6)

9. Which Plumber is based in Tollerton? ..... Stuart Wood (Page 5)

10. Where did Frankie go? ..... Hollywood (Page 33)

11. What started at 7pm on May 5th 1906? ..... Village Clock (Page 22)

12. Who played a season with the Sweedish Hockey League? ..... Jodie Bloom (Page 21)

13. What will Sandy be doing at 7.30pm on a Wednesday? ...... Zumba (Page 32)

14. Monarda is also known as? ..... Bee Balm (Page 30)

15. Michael Donnelly won what? ..... Captains Trophy (Page 23)

16. The Chronicles of Cropwell Bishop will cost you how much? ..... £8 (Page 16)

Hilary Jarrow
Cropwell Bishop News